Additional Thoughts About Alzheimer’s Syndrome by a Veterinarian

Posted on January 23rd, 2017

I wonder if a person suffering from Alzheimer’s syndrome, if producing excessive amounts of adrenal estrogen, may contribute to the reported inflammation that seems to be occurring in the cerebral arteries of these patients.

I would image that elevated amounts of estrogen have been considered, but unfortunately only estradiol, estrone and estriole are routinely measured.

I recently found an article on the internet that discussed the history of estrogen.

The article discussed the fact that in the mid 1940’s, a prominent human laboratory basically decided the future of estrogen in diseases for humans and the medical community, by deciding that the human body only produces three types of measurable estrogen which include estradiol, estrone and estriole. There was no mention of adrenal estrogen.

In my clinical studies of canines, felines and equines with allergies, autoimmune diseases including idiopathethic epilepsy and cancer, who all had had their ovaries and testicles removed before being tested all had elevated amounts of adrenal estrogen, which many human and one veterinary laboratory measure either as total estrogen or adrenal estrogen.

90,000 patients that were tested all had the following endocrine immune imbalances;

. Deficient or defective cortisol produced by the middle layer

    adrenal cortex.

. Elevated total or adrenal estrogen produced by the inner layer adrenal

   NOTE: in older human patients, the following levels of total or adrenal

         estrogen are considered to be normal;

         . Men = 80 to 115 pg/ml

         . Women = 40 pg/ml

         . For any other age groups or for women that are still

           menstruating, please contact LabCorp for accurate levels.

. Thyroid hormones that were either deficient, or normal, but because

    of the elevated adrenal estrogen, the thyroid hormones were made

    unavailable for use,  in the patient’s body.

. The immunoglobulin’s IgG, IgM and IgA were all deficient and when

    the IgA was below 58 mg/dL, cortisol replacements could not be

    absorbed, orally.

Once the endocrine immune imbalances were corrected in these patients, and the adrenal estrogen was returned to normal, the patient’s disease processes all returned to normal.

The following list is what an elevated adrenal estrogen is thought to cause;

.It causes inflammation of all the endothelial cells that line the arteries

    in the body, including the cerebral arteries.

. It can cause uncontrolled tissue growth when exposed to a Petri dish,

     which contains normal tissue.

. It invalidates the use of thyroid hormone in the patient’s body.

. It deregulates the immune system, which is thought to cause the

      Following problems;

  • It reduces the B and T lymphocytes ability to protect the patient against bacteria and viruses.
  • It causes the B and T lymphocytes to lose recognition of self issue and may be the cause of autoimmune diseases, in the patient.
  • It causes the B lymphocyte to reduce its production of immunoglobulin (antibodies) and when the mucous membrane immunoglobulin, referred to as Immunoglobulin A (IgA) is below 68 mg/dL in humans, many different replacement hormones and supplements may not be well absorbed, particularly oral cortisol replacement, hormones.

Once again, please remember these are only the thoughts and they are only from a veterinarian who cares and is looking for better ways to help patient’s whether animal or human, but it might be of value to include a total or adrenal estrogen in the compliment of blood tests, that are usually performed on an Alzheimer’s patient.

I would be interested in the results, if my thoughts are ever considered.


Dr. AL Plechner

To read the Dr. Plechner's original article along with recent updates click here: