What the World of Medicine Needs to Know Now, and in the Future for Their Patients.
Posted on April 11th, 2016There are three main clinical findings that I have discovered and experienced, while practicing for over 50 years of clinical veterinary medicine.
I have had the opportunity to share my clinical findings with many different kinds of health care professionals for both animals and humans.
As a clinical veterinarian, I have been given the opportunity to practice veterinary medicine, and to find new causes of disease, in animals and in humans, and why it has been worth spending my life, trying to make a difference.
I am thankful for being given, this opportunity.
If nothing more ever occurs during my life time, I would love to leave with you the following health care options that you and your pet MUST consider.
1) Cortisol, which is a natural steroid produced by the middle layer adrenal cortex, referred to as the zona glomerulosa, is probably one of the most important regulatory hormones in the body, and yet the most unrecognized and the most
Did you ever wonder why steroid therapy helps so many different types of diseases? It is because many patients have steroid imbalances,
For you and your pet to remain healthy, you need to produce a certain amount of active, natural cortisol daily.
Steroid therapy is usually administrated without realizing that the patient may have a cortisol imbalance!
Unfortunately, without realizing the other health ramifications a cortisol supplement replaces, an overdose, because of this misunderstanding, may be a common occurrence.
An elevated total (adrenal) estrogen, is the end effect of a cortisol imbalance, and the elevated estrogen will bind the receptor sites of both the thyroid hormones, whether active T3 and active T4.
For more information on this, go to the internet and type in Metabolic Hypothyroidism and my name.
When this occurs, the metabolism of the liver and kidney will be reduced, and the breakdown and excretion of the cortisol supplement, will not occur in 24 hours, and a buildup of the cortisol supplement, replacement therapy, will occur
In canines, this is easily handled by providing a twice a day, T4 supplement
with the replacement cortisol.
In humans, it is vital to also test for a reverse T3, caused by the elevated adrenal estrogen that has occurred, because of a cortisol imbalance.
In this instance, if a human patient is given a T4 supplement, the elevated estrogen will cause that T4 supplement to be turned into more Reverse T3 and even if the human patient is told they are hypothyroid, supplementing T4 will only worsen their metabolic, hypothyroid problem.
It is still not recognized that for T4, to be transferred into T3, it takes a normal amount of active cortisol, to accomplish this.
Unfortunately in my veterinary profession, usually only a T4 level is measured, in order to determine if a state of hyperthyroidism is present.
Measuring only a T4 level, may turn out to be a very serious misdiagnosis, if a T3 level has not been also measured.
Hopefully you can imagine, if a cortisol imbalance is causing a lack of transference of T4 to T3, when a thyroid destructive medication is initiated, dire consequences may follow for the feline, because they were never hyperthyroid, but rather cortisol imbalanced.
Doing ACTH stimulation, is a very popular test performed by the veterinary profession, because it measures actual cortisol production of the patient from their middle layer adrenal cortex.
When this ACTH stimulation test indicates an over production of cortisol, the immediate conclusion is that the patient has Cushing’s syndrome.
This can definitely not be determined by the cortisol values provided by the ACTH stimulation test, because without comparing the effects of the cortisol produced on the negative feedback mechanism to the HPA axis, the cortisol may be defective or inactive. This is not Cushing’s syndrome but rather what I call the Atypical Cortisol Estrogen Imbalance Syndrome (ACEIS), which the general public calls Plechner’s Syndrome.
The medical professions must realize that because there may be an excess production, of cortisol, the cortisol must be recognized by the hypothalamus, pituitary axis, if it is active.
Hopefully 24 hour urine and salivary tests, will identify free cortisol, but without comparing the cortisol to what it is doing in the body, may mean very little, when it concerns proper therapy.
The world of medicine is concerned with increased amounts of estrogen a human is exposed to, and they realize when estrogen is introduced to normal tissue, the normal tissue will grow!
Unfortunately, the medical profession does not measure total (adrenal) estrogen!
In animals, unless the blood test is sent to a special laboratory, only estradiol will be measured.
In human males, only estradiol is measured.
In human females only estradiol, estriole and estrone are measured.
There is little recognition that there is a huge amount of estrogen being produced by the inner layer adrenal cortex, referred to as the zona reticularis, when the cortisol is inactive, or defective.
Since estrogen plays such a major roll with chronic allergies, autoimmunity and cancer, why isn’t total (adrenal) estrogen being routinely measured?
The medical profession knows that an over production of androgen can be produced by the zona reticularis, but there is no recognition or measurement of adrenal estrogen, that comes from that same layer.
To determine total estrogen in animals, is quite easy to do, if the blood sample is done by a veterinary laboratory that has the equipment to provide total (adrenal) estrogen results.
Fortunately, most human laboratories do have the ability do total (adrenal) estrogen, if they are only asked!
Most female animals that the test is performed upon, either had their ovaries removed, or have the test done, when they are not menstruating.
Since male animals have no ovaries, may be it is time to realize that excessive amounts of estrogen can be produced by the inner layer adrenal cortex!
Total estrogen is very easy to determine in human males and postmenopausal
I have seen human males with prostate cancer that had normal estradiol levels, with huge amounts of adrenal estrogen that was causing their prostate cancer to continue to increase.
For a female human to accept an estrogen supplement, because she is post-menopausal, without first checking her total (adrenal) estrogen, may become a catastrophic disease, for her.
If a human female is still menstruating, it would be best to do the total (adrenal) estrogen test, at the time your ovaries are the least active.
This possibly would be at the end of their first week.
If you repeat the total estrogen at the time their ovaries are the most productive, will indicate how much estrogen your inner layer adrenal cortex is really providing for them.
Estrogen also deregulates the T lymphocyte, which when hormonally controlled, will protect the patient from chronic viral infections, Lyme’s disease, candida and other fungal diseases.
The few AIDs patients I was privileged to help, all had elevated estrogen and a T lymphocyte that would not protect them against the HIV virus.
Certainly there is a concern about chemical and plant estrogens and how much damage they are creating.
Measuring total estrogen, will help determine this, including measuring the antibodies the B lymphocyte is producing, because if the total estrogen is normal, however their IgA, IgM and IgG are low, it is time for your veterinarian or your physician, to help you avoid plant estrogens an chemical estrogen, mimickers.
3) IgA. What is IgA and what is its importance?
Immunoglobulin A, is a protective antibody that is produced the B lymphocyte, when it is being properly regulated by the middle layer adrenal cortex, due to the production of active cortisol.
This is an antibody (immunoglobulin) that the B lymphocyte produces, in order to protect all the mucous membranes in the body of the patient whether human, or animal.
This indicates that this immunoglobulin is responsible for providing protection for the digestive tract, respiratory tract, urogenital tract, including all the mucous membranes in the skeletal system.
The B lymphocyte also produces an IgM antibody that is a first line response antibody that is a road block for bacterial invaders, until the IgG antibody production, specifically makes antibodies, against the specific bacterial invader.
NOTE: The IgM antibody is also found in sharks.
In humans, when this IgA level is below 68 mg/dL, and in dogs and cats when the IgA is below 58mg/dL, malabsorption will occur, particularly with oral, cortisol and many other replacement, supplements.
Without your health care professional measuring the IgA level, there will be no indication that you or your pet will absorb what has been prescribed!
Hopefully you can now realize that when you or your pet are hospitalized and given antibiotics or supplements IV or IM, you both do well, but once you are sent home on the same oral supplements, you both fail!
An IgA level should always be included in any general blood test that is done on a routine, medical physical, in order to determine if either your or your pet, need medications or supplement, to make sure that you will able to absorb them.
Obviously, if you or your pet have a suppressed IgA, this would not allow you or your pet, to properly absorb food and medications.
These are my clinical findings for the past 50 years, and I leave my legacy to all of you that do care, and know there is a better way.
For all of us and our pets to survive our ever changing environment, we must keep checking the ability for both you and your pet, including me and my family, to survive the medicine of the past, and the increased damage humans are doing to our earth.
This is my time on earth, and hope what I have been created to find, will help you and your pet, live a happier, longer and heathier life.
This is my small contribution for humans, animals and the environment, we need to protect.
If I have helped any of you and your animals, find a better way, my stay on earth has been justified.
Dr. AL Plechner.