What Is Krill?
Posted on April 11th, 2016Krill is a very small crustation that is found in all the oceans of the world.
The word krill, comes from the Norwegian word “small fry of fish”.
Krill are thought to reside at the bottom of the food chain.
They feed on plankton and zooplankton, and convert these into a form that will be eaten by whales, seals, penguins, squid and many different kinds of fish.
The total harvest for krill yearly, is 150,000 to 200,000 tons.
Up until recently, krill was used mainly for aquaculture, aquarium feeds, and for sport fishing.
It is known, that fish oils contain Omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce heart attacks, including many other medical problems.
Resent investigations have uncovered the fact that krill oil contains much higher amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids then fish oils, and much less mercury then fish oil.
I have found also, that as the fish oil ages, vitamin A and D levels, may increase to a toxic level.
Krill oil also contains much lower levels of Omega-6 fatty acids then fish oil, and elevated amounts of Omega-6 can be very damaging to the body.
Why is using krill oil important?
Using krill oil is important, because it also contains astazanthin, which reduces swelling, lowers cholesterol and reduces the chance for developing blood clots.
Astazanthin is an antioxidant that can cross the blood brain barrier and help protect the eyes, brain and central nervous system, from free radicals.
Free radicals are substances that contribute to the development of certain chronic diseases.
The astazanthin, contained in Krill oil, is used medically to treat retinitis, chorio-retinitis and macular degeneration, in humans.
I strongly recommend the use of krill oil for SARDS patients, which have an endocrine immune, mediated, cellular toxicity that effects their retinal tissue.
Please check with your health care professional, regarding the proper use and dosage, for krill oil.
Hopefully this article will help you and your pet, achieve better health.
Dr. AL Plechner