The Health Importance of Identifying and Measuring Both Ovarian Estrogen and Adrenal Estrogen

Posted on December 9th, 2015

There are two major organs in an animal and in a human that produce significant amounts of estrogen.

These estrogen producing organs are the ovaries and the adrenal cortex.

The functions of the ovarian estrogens are well documented, while the estrogen that is being produced by the adrenal cortex is not.

There is very little recognition by the medical profession that significant amounts of estrogen are being produced by the adrenal cortex.

NOTE: There are very small amounts of estrogen that are being produced from the skin, brain and fat.

The laboratories designed tests for the three ovarian estrogens, estradiol, estrone and estriole, several years ago.

At that time, the laboratories believed that the three ovarian estrogens were the main estrogens produced by the body.

Any estrogen that is produced by the adrenal cortex is thought to be one or all three of these ovarian hormones, which I have found clinically not to be true.

My clinical findings in animals and in humans indicates that there may be a different kind of estrogen being produced by the adrenal cortex, that is dissimilar to the three types of estrogen that are produced by the ovaries.

My clinical findings in 90,000 animal blood tests indicated elevated total estrogen in patients with no ovaries.

In the human cases that I was involved with, all had elevated total estrogen, even after their ovaries had been removed.

The medical profession is definitely concerned about elevated amounts of estrogen, so it will be very important health wise to check the estrogen levels of both the ovaries and the adrenal cortex.

These estrogen levels can be checked at the same time with the same blood test.

In men, and in postmenopausal women, testing for estradiol, estrone, estriole and total estrogen, can be done at any time.

It seems best to test menstruating women at the time the ovaries are the least active.

This can be done somewhere near the 7th day of the beginning of their menstrual cycle.

Again, estradiol, estrone, estriole and total estrogen should be measured.

Before ever prescribing an estrogen supplement to any postmenopausal woman with deficient estradiol, a total estrogen must be checked first, and if the total estrogen is elevated, the estrogen supplement may cause the woman to develop autoimmune diseases and cancer.

NOTE: It will be interesting to research estrogen lowering drugs and find out if they effect both ovarian and adrenal estrogen, not just ovarian estrogen. This may be the reason why an estrogen lowering drug might fail a cancer patient.

Excessive amounts of total estrogen will be produced by the Zona Reticularis of the adrenal cortex when the patient’s cortisol level is deficient or imbalanced.

Unfortunately, merely measuring cortisol does not indicate whether the cortisol is active or inactive, and must be compared to its function in the body.

This can be simply done by comparing the cortisol level to the adrenal estrogen level.

If the adrenal estrogen is within the normal range, it means the cortisol is active and can be used by the body.

If the adrenal estrogen is elevated, this indicates an inactive cortisol that is not recognized by the hypothalamic-pituitary feedback mechanism and cannot be used by the body.

If the cortisol that is being produced by the middle layer adrenal cortex is deficient or imbalanced, the hypothalamus will continue producing its Cortico-Releasing Factor (CRF), which in turn will cause the pituitary gland to produce continued amounts of its hormone, referred to as Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH).

When this occurs, the Zona Reticularis of the adrenal cortex will respond to the ACTH, producing excessive amounts of adrenal estrogen.

This excessive amount of adrenal estrogen can do the following:

  1. It causes inflammation of all the endothelial cells that line the arteries of the body.
    1. When the inflammation occurs in the cerebral arteries in animals, this can cause idiopathic epilepsy and other neurological disorders.
    2. In women that are estrogen dominant, when they menstruate and their ovarian estrogen increases, these women can develop migraine headaches and epileptic seizures. It will be interesting when adrenal estrogen is measured in human patients with Autism, Alzheimer’s Syndrome and other mental disorders like Parkinson and Dementia, in order to find out if elevated adrenal estrogen may be part of the development of these diseases.
    3. Elevated liver enzymes as well as elevated alkaline phosphatase can also be a manifestation of elevated adrenal estrogen.
  2. It also clinically decreases the effects of T3 and T4 and may be the reason for an increase in Thyroid Binding Globulin (TBG) in humans and in animals.
  3. It deregulates both the B and T lymphocytes.
    1. I have found with my clinical studies in animals, the lymphocytes are deregulated as opposed to being deficient.
    2. The only deficiency that occurs to the immune system is due to the lymphocytes not performing their protective functions in the body.
    3. Their deregulation clinically in animals causes both the B and T lymphocyte to lose recognition of self-tissue and is part of the reason that autoimmune diseases and cancer may develop.
  4. When the B lymphocyte has been deregulated by the elevated adrenal estrogen, its production of immunoglobulins (antibodies) is reduced.
    1. When this occurs and the mucous membrane antibody (IgA), falls below 58 mg/dL in canines and felines and somewhere near 68 mg/dL in humans, malabsorption will occur, especially with oral steroids.
    2. When this happens, an intramuscular injection of Depomedrol may be indicated to bypass the gut and fund the negative feedback to the hypothalamic-pituitary access.
    3. This will in turn cause the adrenal estrogen to decrease and allow the IgA to increase to a level when the patient can absorb oral steroids.
    4. I have found clinically in animals, that when the elevated adrenal estrogen causes an IgA deficiency, wherever the mucous membrane in the patient is deficient, will be where various disease occur.
    5. Many times the impact areas in animals seem to be due to their genetics.
    6. When an IgA deficiency is present in the various mucous membranes in a patient’s body, chronic disease can occur in the following areas:
      • Respiratory tract (eyes, ears, nose, throat, bronchioles, lungs etc.)
      • Urinary tract (kidneys, ureters, bladder urethra etc.)
      • Digestive tract (gingiva, mouth, esophagus, intestines, colon, rectum etc.)
      • Skeletal system (joint disease, spinal disease, arthritis etc.)
        These are just a few of the areas in the body that chronic disease may occur due to an IgA deficiency,
  5. When the T lymphocyte in animals is deregulated because of elevated, adrenal estrogen, the T lymphocyte will no longer function to protect the patient from viral and fungal diseases. I have found this to be true with many different chronic viral diseases like Feline leukemia and the Feline Aids virus.
    1. A number of years ago, I was involved with 6 human AIDs patients that all had elevated adrenal estrogen and deregulated T lymphocytes.
    2. This T lymphocyte was probably the reason why the HIV virus developed into AIDs.
    3. It makes you wonder in humans with B and C Hepatitis, if measuring their adrenal estrogen might be something that should be checked.
    4. Conditions causing chronic fungal infections, including Candida, should also consider having their adrenal estrogen checked.

If there is any interest in testing this in animals or in humans, the following tests should be considered:

Total estrogen
Cortisol (this can be done at any time)
Total T3
Total T4

Total estrogen
Cortisol (This can be done at any time)
Total T3
Total T4

My clinical studies have been designed to identify the cause of disease and not just treat the effects of disease.

I believe my clinical studies and protocol may be of value for improving the health for animals and for humans.

These are only my thoughts and I hope they may help.


Dr. AL Plechner