The Cause Of Feline Immunodeficiency: Virus Is Similar To HIV And AIDS

Posted on April 23rd, 2013

This post was originally posted in Nutricula Magazine on April 23rd, 2013

The world of retroviral diseases like FIV and HIV are still only being treated for their effects and not their cause.

AIDS was supposedly first discovered in the U. S. in 1981 and researchers know how this disease is transmitted in people as well as in felines.

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus and FIV stands for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus.

These viruses are classified as retroviruses, and for cats that also includes Feline Leukemia (FELV), and Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP).

Sexual contact is the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to the concept of transferring this retrovirus in people. However, transfusions, exposure to different bodily fluids and tissues, intrauterine passage, mother’s milk, wounds, infected needles, etc., may also pass on the virus.

What is not realized yet is that without an endocrine-immune imbalance being present, the patient, whether he/she be human or feline, will usually not develop AIDS, FIV or any of the other retroviruses.

A research paper published in San Paulo, Brazil, indicates that in 75 % of male cats in their feral population, FIV is a problem based upon bite wounds and scratches that are caused by fighting.

The clinical symptoms in people often are the same clinical signs that we observe in cats.

Typically, patients may develop opportunistic infections, whether bacterial or viral, fever, sweating, lethargy, loss of weight due to a loss of appetite or malabsorption, cachexia, different blood diseases, enlarged lymph nodes, allergies, autoimmunity and cancer.

There are no vaccines at this time that will help with either HIV or FIV, and the various medical “cocktails” that are used, may help for a while (i.e., to treat the effects of these retroviruses), but why not identify the cause of these retroviruses and treat the patient in a different manner, whether he/she be a human or a feline?

What I have found when dealing with retroviruses with my feline patients, is that the only time a retrovirus may cause a disease is when there is a hormone imbalance and the loss of control of the immune systemWhen this imbalance has been identified and corrected, the patient will usually notdevelop all the clinical symptoms and signs that accompany a deregulated immune system.

Over the years, by correcting the hormone antibody imbalance in these felines, I have been able to successfully normalize 85 % of cats with Feline Leukemia and 70 % of the cats with Feline Immunodeficiency Syndrome and Feline Infectious Peritonitis.

Traditional medical thinking says that these retroviruses are not only terminal but are also very contagious; but are they really?!

I personally believe that a retrovirus is not contagious to a patient that has a normal endocrine immune system.

A patient that has a slightly damaged endocrine immune system may become positive for the retrovirus but will usually not develop the actual disease. Although this would be acceptable for this particular patient who may remain just a carrier, by shedding the retrovirus itself, this may become detrimental to others around that patient that have an endocrine immune imbalance or a highly compromised endocrine immune system.

We need to realize that the endocrine system regulates the immune system, and normally, the immune system does not operate on its own.

For more information about this regulation, please go to under Plechner’s Syndrome.

If this medical situation is present and hormone regulation is damaged, the immune system will be deregulated and will not perform its protective functions for the body. When this deregulation occurs, the B and T lymphocytes will not protect the patient whether he/she be human, cat, dog, horse, etc., including many other types of mammals.

The T lymphocyte, when functioning properly, will protect the patient against mold, fungi, candida and viruses!

With this imbalance, any patient exposed to a retrovirus will not be protected and will usually succumb to the effects of the retrovirus.

When the B lymphocyte is functioning properly, it will protect the patient from bacteria, respond to vaccines, and make protective antibodies.

When both of these protective lymphocytes are deregulated, it is clear to see why humans and felines, with deregulated immune systems, can easily succumb to these retroviruses and develop deadly diseases.

Through my clinical studies over the past 50 years, I have been able to identify a genetic and acquired endocrine immune imbalance, which can be easily corrected so that the retrovirus will not end the life of a patient.

Prevention will always be the best form of medicine…and before we begin, let me indicate to you and for your cat, that you may or may not be a candidate for a retroviral disease even if you have been exposed, if your endocrine immune system is normal.

Just from an observation point, many humans that possess this endocrine immune imbalance will have the lateral third of their eyebrows either missing or thin and may have dark circles under their eyes.

In 70 % of the cats, they may have a gingival flare, which is a small redline where the gum reflects upon the enamel of the tooth. For further information, my website has an article on Gingival Flare. In any event, if any of these physical signs are present, an endocrine immune blood test may be worth considering. Please read more about this on my website which is with an article that speaks about Feline Leukemia and Other Retroviruses.

The severity of this imbalance will determine if the HIV will develop into AIDS and if the cat that is positive for FIV, FELV and FIP, will develop the disease.

Due to this imbalance, estrogen is the culprit. What the problem is for humans and felines, is that total estrogen is not being measured!

In men, (for instance), only estradiol is measured and not total estrogen!

In females, only estradiol, estrone, and estriol are measured and not total estrogen!

Although the medical profession is concerned about the detrimental effects of estrogen, it still does not realize that a large amount of inner layer adrenal estrogen is also occurring and present.

I have been involved with a number of health care professionals that only measured partial estrogen. From this, I have found that although the partial estrogen tests [they measured] in their patients was normal, when the test was repeated for total estrogen, the levels were very elevated.

There have been studies showing that the exposure of normal cells to estrogen promoted abnormal growth of the cells.

Does this sound like cancer?

What was once thought to be a terminal disease does not need to be if only the correct endocrine immune tests are done.

Once the imbalance has been identified and the endocrine regulation of the immune system has been corrected, the immune system will once again protect you or your feline from retroviruses, including many other related medical diseases.

I have found the cause of many of these diseases and a better way to treat my patients, and hopefully you will let me share my thoughts with you and for your pets.

For a list and discussion of other endocrine immune dysfunction diseases like allergies, autoimmunity, idiopathic epilepsy, irritable bowel syndrome, cancer, and many more, please go to