Questions Pet Owners Have Asked About Dr. Plechner’s Syndrome

Posted on June 11th, 2016

The following are some of the questions of interest that have been asked about the use of Dr. Plechner’s syndrome.

1) Once my veterinarian identifies the fact that my pet has Plechner’s syndrome, will my pet need to stay on these hormone replacements, for the rest of my pet’s life?

   Since your pet has inherited an endocrine immune imbalance, or has

   acquired this imbalance, unless you continue the hormone therapy, your pet will

   revert back, to the original disease and imbalance.

2) My veterinarian and I are afraid of using steroids, because of their side effects.

    What is not realized, is the fact that both you, your veterinarian and your pet,

    MUST produces a certain amount of natural cortisol from the middle layer

    adrenal cortex, every single day, otherwise serious catastrophic diseases may

    occur. Plechner’s syndrome identifies the cortisol deficiency or

    imbalance, and merely replaces the necessary cortisol. The serious side

    effects that may occur with the use of a steroid, comes from the fact, that the

    patient is producing normal amounts of cortisol, and a steroid is superimposed

    upon that normal amount. Yes, serious side effects may occur. It would be

    similar to putting a patient on thyroid hormone, when their thyroid is

    functioning, normally.

3) Why is the regulation of food so important?

   Many of the Plechner’s syndrome patients have food sensitivities, and if they

   are not recognized and corrected, the hormone therapy will not work, nor will

   the hormone supplements, be properly absorbed.

   A prime example of this is with a SARDS patient that has returned vision,

   however, when an allergic food or snack is given, the patient’s eyesight

   Is reduced. This occurs because the same antibody called IgA, is in the gut and

   also in the eye. Since the IgA protects all the mucous membranes in the body,

  you can understand, with an improper food input, the impact areas may be the

  eyes, intestinal system, the dermis, nervous system, respiratory tract, kidney and

  the skeletal system with its joints.

  The food impact areas occur, because a patient has Plechner’s syndrome.

  The syndrome identifies the cause of the disease, and not just the effects.

4) Since Plechner’s syndrome works so well, why have the veterinarians dismissed

     his findings?

    They have done this, because Dr. Plechner’s are his own original findings. They

    are not taught in schools of Veterinary Medicine, yet.  Dr. Plechner has been a

    practicing, clinical veterinarian for 50 years, and has always tried to treat each

    of his patients, to the best of his ability. His many clinical reports are thought to

    be invalid because he will not do double blind studies that are now required, in

    order to have a paper accepted, for publication in a Veterinary Journal.

    For your edification, a double blind study demands that 50 % of the patients

     receive a placebo, while the other 50 % of the patients are treated properly.

     I totally understand why Dr. Plechner will not do this. However I find it odd that

     the MD and PHD Journals have and will accept, his clinical papers. As a matter

     fact, Townsend Letter will be publishing one of Dr. Plechner’s clinical findings,

     in humans and in animals titled, “The Clinical Manifestations of Cancer, and the

     Cortisol Connection. His clinical findings for humans with autoimmunity and

     cancer, were recently presented at an international conference for integrative

     MD oncologist. He has been made an affiliate of the Broda O, Barnes MD

     Research Foundation.

5) If I have my veterinarian do Plechner’s syndrome, are there any long term, side

     effects, from the therapy?

     If Plechner’s syndrome is treated correctly and not modified, there are no long

     term, side effects. But what needs to recognized, is that if the endocrine

     immune imbalance has been undiagnosed and has been present too long,

     correcting Plechner’s syndrome, may not help.

6) Are there any short term side effects that might occur with Plechner’s?


   Short term side effects are possible, but not usual.

   What are those side effects?

          . Increased appetite.

            If this occurs, please feed the same amount of food, but add thinly sliced

            celery to the food, in order to help increase the quantity, but not the


          . Increased thirst

            If this occurs, please empty the water out of the dish, and replace the

            water with ice cubes, and as the ice cubes melt, the pet will get plenty of

            water without, over hydrating

         . Increased panting at night.

            If this occurs, rubbing white distilled, alcohol on the pads of the feet, will


            This was routinely done for infants and young children, in order to help

            them, when they have an elevated temperature. Originally rubbing alcohol

            was used, but they soon found out, that the rubbing alcohol was a

            transdermal and ended up in the liver. Vodka seems to be safer.

These temporary side effects seem to come from the Pfizer Depomedrol injections, and once the oral Medrol is used, the side effects all seem, to disappear.

However, Dr. Plechner did mention to me, if the temporary side effects continue, their veterinarian should use a different steroid, then Medrol.

7) My veterinarian and I wonder why Dr. Plechner suggests the use of the elevated levels of the Pfizer Depomedrol.

I asked Dr. Plechner the same question, and this was his answer.

The veterinary profession does not realize that the Pfizer Depomedrol is not as efficient as the Upjohn Depomedrol, which has not been manufactured for several years. Realizing this I contacted the head veterinarian for Pfizer, and was told that no clinical trial for effectiveness of their product, needed to be done,

She told me that the FDA said to them, because Depomedrol is such an old pharmaceutical product, that clinical trials were unnecessary.

My 29,000 blood test results, from National Veterinary Diagnostic Services, indicated that the Pfizer Depomedrol was much less effective than the original Upjohn Depomedrol, which was used at 1 mg/lb. of body weight.

I compared the Pfizer Depomedrol to how it regulated the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, involving the production of adrenal estrogen.

I found that to approximate the same effectiveness as the Upjohn Depomedrol, it would take a Pfizer Depomedrol dose of 2 to 3mgs/ lb. of body weight and this is why I have suggested the higher dose for the use of Pfizer Depomedrol.

My suggestions are based upon fact, and as soon as the veterinary profession realizes this, they will attain much better results, when using Pfizer Depomedrol.

These were thoughts that Dr. Plechner shared with me, which I would like to share with you.


Team P and Gucci.