Never Accept the Use of an Estrogen Patch.

Posted on July 11th, 2016


The medical profession is concerned about estrogen causing inflammation, allergies, autoimmunity and cancer, however the medical profession is NOT measuring total estrogen.

Treating the medical EFFECTs of diseases in humans and in animals may be vital, but treating the CAUSE of many of these diseases, is even more important.

The medical profession knows that elevated estrogen, will cause inflammation of all the endothelial cells that line the arteries of the body, which can cause oxidative stress and damaging free radicals, which may lead to allergies, autoimmunity and cancer.

This is what I have found as a veterinarian and I would like to share, but unfortunately, most medical education only involves testing for estradiol, estrone and estrin in females, and estradiol in men. I animals, only estradiol is measured unless the blood sample is sent to a specific veterinary laboratory that tests for total estrogen.

The medical profession, has is very little recognition of adrenal estrogen that is produced by the inner layer adrenal cortex, however there is a medical mention of androgen, which is produced by that same adrenal layer, referred to as the zona reticularis

In 1948, cortisol use was classified by one medical group in the literature as the X- Substance, and when used medically in high doses, caused many side effects. This medical vector has continued to plague the medical professions and even today, with many medical practices.

It seems not be bee realized, that a normal human being and animal, must produce 30 to 35 ug/dL units daily, of an active cortisol, if a human or animal wants to avoid the development of allergies, autoimmunity and cancer.

Dr. William Mac Jefferies also recognized this fact, as I did in animals in the 1970’s. Dr. Jefferies published a book called The Safe Uses of Cortisol. I have published several books on under Publications that have listed number of books that deal with this same subjects, but in animals but does relate to humans.

This fear of cortisol and the lack of realization that it takes a certain amount of daily cortisol to interact with the hypothalamic pituitary axis, in a negative feedback mechanism, is still not recognized in most medical practices for humans and for animals.

The human medical literature is aware of the fact, that all kinds of input, can reduce proper cortisol production. Stress, improper exercise and nutrition, chemicals, radiation, anesthetics, vaccines etc. are all thought to reduce cortisol production or cause the cortisol, to be produced in a defective state, which the body cannot use or recognize.

The significance of this cortisol imbalance is still not realized as to its importance!

The medical profession is aware of the fact that natural cortisol, produced by the middle layer adrenal cortex, works with the hypothalamic pituitary axis, in a negative feedback mechanism.

After the cortisol has regulated the immune system and fulfilled its other functions in the body, the liver breaks down the cortisol, and the kidneys excrete those broken down products.

This is referred to as negative feedback mechanism.

However, if the natural cortisol production is deficient, bound or defective, funding this negative feedback mechanism will not occur. The hypothalamic pituitary axis will not recognize this imbalance, and the pituitary gland will keep releasing ACTH, in hopes of having more natural cortisol also released.

When there is not enough natural cortisol produced in any form, in order to fund this negative feedback mechanism to the hypothalamic pituitary axis,, the pituitary will continue producing its ACTH.

Since the middle layer adrenal cortex no longer has the ability to respond effectively, the inner layer adrenal cortex will respond, with a positive feedback mechanism that produces excess amounts of estrogen and androgen.

For some reason, adrenal estrogen is not included in total estrogen measurements, and this is the reason why the CAUSE of allergies, autoimmunity and cancer, may not have been recognized or discovered

This a simple test that can be performed with any human laboratory.

Even as a frustrated “plain wrap” veterinarian, I have developed a simple animal and human protocol that can be easily measured with a blood test. Why not check total estrogen, and then decide if there if a need to reduce this hormone which causes unconditional tissue growth when exposed to normal tissue?

The human protocol can be reviewed at and GET HELP and Test Procedures/Info.   

The elevated total estrogen, which includes inner layer adrenal zona reticularis estrogen, is the basis for most inflammatory diseases, including allergies, autoimmunity and cancer. Unfortunately, total estrogen is rarely tested.

Hopefully this will remind physicians that this elevated, inflammatory estrogen, is the basis for Alzheimer’s syndrome and many other autoimmune diseases.

Why not test total estrogen in your patient?

If you patient is still menstruating, check her total estrogen the first week of her menstrual cycle when he ovarian estrogen is the lowest, and again when her ovarian estrogen is the highest, and the difference will be zona reticularis, adrenal estrogen.

Why would an estrogen supplement be prescribed for a postmenopausal woman, when her estradiol is decreased, however her adrenal estrogen is elevated?

I have been asked to get involved with patients that were postmenopausal and their estradiol levels were decreased.

Their physicians suggested using an estrogen supplement or an estrogen patch.

This would be fine if their total estrogen was 40 pg/ml or lower, however when their total estrogen was tested, it was much higher than 40 pg/ml, and if an estrogen replacement was prescribed for them, it may cause them to develop, all kinds of allergies, autoimmunity and cancer.    

The human medical literature does not realize the fact that when a woman goes through menstruation, and her ovarian estrogen peaks, if her adrenal estrogen is also elevated, she may suffer from migrane headaches and possible epileptic seizures.

In animals, idiopathic estrogen comes from elevated, total estrogen

Men that have decided their libido needs a boost, or female athletes that decide to take a transdermal or injectable testosterone supplement for better performance, may cause themselves to develop allergies, autoimmunity and cancer, without realizing this..

The medical literature discusses the fact that fatty and other tissues, contain an enzyme called aromatase. The literature also indicates the fact that aromatase can turn female androgen, produced by the inner layer adrenal cortex, into a form of estrogen called estrone.

Aromatase production in males, can turn their testosterone into a form of estrogen called estradiol. The more fat your body contains, the more estrogen transformation that may occur.

From a safe medical standpoint, whether a human male or female, for their own medical safety, please, have their physician with female patients, first measure their total estrogen, androgens and estrone. In males patients, please measure total estrogen, estradiol and testosterone levels, before ever taking any testosterone supplements.

Two weeks after the patient begins to take the testosterone supplement, please recheck the above listed hormones, and see if their androgen and testosterone are increased and your total estrogen is not. But if the total estrogen is increasing, continuing the testosterone supplements will not health their libido nor help the female athletes with their performance, but may cause them major health problems.

These are only my thoughts as a veterinarian, and I do hope they help the medical world.


Dr. AL Plechner