Necessary Thoughts For You And Your Pet
Posted on December 23rd, 2013My website and blogs are about my thoughts and clinical findings about the cause of diseases that I want to share with you but what may be even more important, is to hear from you about your thoughts, your feelings, your findings and your suggestions.
I would love for you to send a simple e-mail or blog that I can share with other informed and concerned pet owners, because the purpose of this website is to share everyone’s findings and experiences that will help people and animals survive our ever changing world.
I too have those members of my family that are animals that I dearly love. They have taught me more about "real" life than you will ever know.
The medical world has researched mainly the effects of disease, but the time has come for them to research the cause of disease and that is what all my findings, papers and blogs are all about.
My goals have always been to have a healthy patient as opposed to a statistic.
The world of disease for patients is changing and hopefully the medical profession will be able to keep up, but by only treating the effects of disease and not just their effect, the medical profession may no longer function to help a sick patient whether human or animal.
Knowledge will always help answer our needs and frustrations and that is why you must speak up for what you believe in as I do; because we may not have an answer now, but there is an answer that we have not found yet!
Please remember, looking costs very little.
The world needs to know your thoughts and your recommendations etc., and hopefully in one small way, this website will help!
Thanks you for your consideration and I will look forward to your responses.
Dr. AL Plechner
Hi, I am very fascinated with your work but have a few questions. I have a shih tzu that has been extremely itchy since i got her as a puppy, but she was fine at the breeders. I have fed her only the best organic home cooked foods, but nothing helps but steroids.:(
Is there a genetic test that can be done on the dogs to confirm this syndrome? Also I am chronically ill myself and wondered if there is a dr that I could consult with for myself. Thanks! Ruth
All you would need to do is have your veterinarian do the EI1 panel that is listed under Get Help on my website.
I will be happy to work with your veterinarian if they are interested in doing so. If not, you mightcall the National Diagnostic Labs at 281-661-4292 for the name of a veterinarian near you, that has done my blood studies.
This really should be simple to control, but unfortunately my findings are not yet taught in vet schools.
I do hope this helps and I do have a consultation form for you fill out but only if you are interested.
Hopefully this will help.
Off to work.
Dr. AL Plechner
Dear Dr. I just read and re-read your site and the aceis articles and info. I am so glad that I now have something to hand my GP to explain my problems! (thankfully I found a hormone specialist who prescribed Progesterone and Thyroid, but still I suffer from low cortisol.. morninga are bad, I am fatigued and dragging, but have improved a great deal with the help of a Naturopath and a hormone specialist.).Nobody made the connection of high Estrogen causing my low cortisol, and as a matter of fact, due to my age (51 at the time) and Menopause, an Endocrinologist was idiotic enough to prescribe an Estrogen patch which sent me to hospital with an Adrenal crisis within a month, which they didn’t even recognize and I almost died…I presented to hospital with such low body temp (95 degrees for several days prior, nobody thought anything of it! even my eyeballs were freezing I was hurting everywhere and crying and could barely breathe with air hunger/low thyroid symptoms. I have a photo I’d like to send to you to show you how terrible I looked and how could anyone have missed my symptoms is beyond me!) and could barely breathe or move. Nobody thought to check anything and said I was depressed. they never checked my temp just my pulse and blood pressure which were dangerously low and I couldn’t keep water (low aldosterone) Meanwhile, all i got were anti depressants and suffered for months, frozen, exhausted, lost my hair and eyebrows, lost 45 lbs, and nobody clued in…finally i tore the estrogen patch off that was poisoning me, went on the internet, found a bio identical doctor who prescribed all other hormones except estrogen which of course i had in extreme excess, and my recovery began.but here in Canada I had to BEG to be tested for full thyroid panel and antibodies etc. still not able to get the testing, even the Endo refused to treat me even though my ACTH stim test showed borderline Adrenal insufficiency at the time, but I have recovered enough after 3 years of extreme suffering and misdiagnoses (depression, chronic fatigue) to go back to work and was able to go off the thyroid meds and only take Progesterone now, along with many minerals and vitamins and avoiding wheat/grains…I know many many women are mistreated and written off like I was, when all they have is too much estrogen that is wreaking havoc with their bodies!
I am so sorry for all your problems because there is no excuse for them.
Check out two new additions involving humans on my website under Get Help.
Go to Testing Procedures and at the bottom there may be something you can use to influence your Endo.