By Alfred J. Plechner, D.V.M.

This is just another mixed genetic bag of diseases caused by improper glycosylation which causes inflammation and granulomatous changes throughout the body in people and often is referred to as cutis laxa but many times is given other names. A series of medical affects may occur in patients with this genetic disorder however the various names given to those various genetic effects will depend upon the type and severity of the effects and what the attending physician chooses to name their disease.

Sarcoidosis can range from pulmonary effects like a shortness of breath, to a dry cough and to pain under the sternum. Malaise, fatigue, fever, weight loss and joint pain may also occur. Bone lesions have also been reported. Skin problems can also occur including major rashes plus other forms of dermatitis and old scars increasing in size. Headaches, facial paralysis and seizures can be quite common symptoms. The eyes can be also affected with a burning sensation, discharge, a lack of tearing and inflammation involving structures of the inner eye like a uveitis. Often the liver, spleen and kidneys may be adversely affected, with actual enlargement of the lymph nodes. Dry mouth and nose bleeds might also occur.

This disease has a number of ailing health issues that will be named again, based upon what your health care professional chooses to call it. From the simple to the most complex symptoms, the degree of genetic imbalances that is inherited by a patient, will determine what their disease will be called, but in all actuality it is probably the same disease with different levels of genetic damage. It is said that the cause of this disease is still unknown however the use of a corticosteroid seems to be the only treatment that helps control Sarcoidosis.

Why hasn't anyone checked the cortisol production in these patients to see if this is part of the root cause of the disease and what other might to cortisol imbalance lead to?

Lise Crafton has identified all the external physical signs and diseases that occur in various genetic degrees of cutis laxa and improper glycosylation. She refers to this collection of external physical signs as Zebra Fever. Zebra Fever has turned out to be an unidentified nemesis for much of the people in the world but especially for Native Americans.

I have found that many of these patients seem to have a cortisol imbalance which causes an elevated adrenal estrogen which in turn, binds the receptor sites of thyroid hormone, deregulates the B and T cell so they no longer can fulfill their function, and at the same time loose recognition of self tissue and can begin to make antibodies to the patient's own tissue. The only real deficiency that the endocrine-imbalance creates is a deficiency in immunoglobulin production.

When this occurs, all immunoglobulins (antibodies) are usually found to be deficient in animals, but with people the deficiency can occur with any of the antibodies while some antibodies remain normal. When the IGA antibody is deficient in all species, malabsorption often occurs, making oral replacement very questionable through the gut. These patients may need regular intramuscular injections to bypass the gut and get to the deregulated glands. Once their endocrine-immune imbalance is controlled and the IGA level rises, oral medications may work. Over the years, in my animal patients, I check only IGA, IGM and IGG.

The elevated estrogen also causes inflammation of all the lining endothelial cells of the arteries which certainly may explain the deposition of lipids and minerals which may lead to arterial occlusion. Since elevated estrogen causes all these problems, what can a deficiency in Melatonin due when added to this endocrine-immune imbalance?

Normal Melatonin production is thought to neutralize the enzyme Aromatase that occurs in the patient's tissue. When there is a Melatonin deficiency in the patient, the Aromatase is allowed to convert androgen and testosterone into estrogen further damaging the endocrine-immune imbalance and adding to the severity of the disease for the patient.

Furthermore, Melatonin has many functions that can modulate those hormones that occur below the Pineal body. When there is a deficiency in Melatonin, it will adversely affect the hypothalamic , pituitary, adrenal axis and their hormonal regulation at the same time, further increase the severity of their endocrine-immune imbalance.

These are just some of my thoughts.

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