Why Does My Dog Have Dry Eye?
Posted on June 2nd, 2016What is dry eye?
Dry eye medically, is known as Keretoconjunctivitis Sicca KCS) or Dry Eye Syndrome (DES) or Keratitis Sicca.
Dry Eye Syndrome (DES) is a disease of the eyes that is caused by either decreased production of tears, or due to an increased tear film, evaporation.
Unfortunately if left untreated, corneal abrasions, ulcers, excess pigmentation, and even the loss of the eye or eyes, may occur.
The following are some of the causes that may help, reduce tear production:
. Idiopathic
. Age
. Congenital alacrima
. Lacrimal gland ablation
. Surgical procedures
. Surgical removal for the 3rd eyelid gland
. Cataract removal
. Allergies
. Autoimmunity
. Chronic bacterial diseases
. Chronic viral diseases
, Anatomical defects in the eyelids
. Tumors.
. Radiation
. Various pharmaceutical products.
1) Antihistamines
2) Nasal decongestants
3) Atropine
4) Sulfa drugs
5) Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories
5) Beta blockers
6) Opiates
In my clinical experience, the most common cause of Dry Eye Syndrome in canines, is caused by allergies, especially from inhalant and food allergies.
This condition occurs due to an endocrine immune imbalance.
The endocrine immune imbalance causes a deficiency in the antibody that is no longer protecting these areas, of the eyes.
This antibody or immunoglobulin that is now deficient in and around the eyes, is referred to as immunoglobulin A (IgA),
When this condition is present, your healthcare professional can supply you with various ointments, in order to replace the deficient tears.
This will help treat the effects of DES.
However you may want to consider doing a blood test that will indicate the Cause of why the DES may have occurred, especially if your dog has allergies.
It is very simple test to do for IgA, but better yet, by doing an entire endocrine immune, blood test which includes the IgA, the results will indicate to your health care professional, how the correct your dog’s dry eyes, as long if this condition has not been chronic, for too long.
I recently helped a SARDS patient with e Dry eye syndrome and an IgA deficiency.
Once the endocrine immune imbalance was corrected, not only did the sight return, but the lacrimal system began producing tears, once again.
The actual development of DES in canines is not a common finding, but when it does occur, it can be a major problem for the patient.
For further information on measuring IgA and the endocrine immune blood tests, please go to the internet and type in ACEIS and my name.
Hopefully this article will provide you with the necessary information, in order for you to help your dog, recover from, Dry Eye Syndrome.
Dr. AL Plechner