The Clinical Manifestations Caused by the Theories of Cancer and the Cortisol Connection
By Dr. AL Plechner DVM
Many theories involving cancer have evolved before and since 1954.
Today’s most popular theory deals with the thinking that viruses may be the cause of cancer, which is certainly possible.
The theory of genetic mutations has been abandoned by most cancer researchers. However, I have identified, through my clinical studies, an endocrine immune imbalance, that is genetic.
The metabolic theory of cancer, which may involve oxidative damage, may be questionable, but may still be part of the equation.
The difference between Evidenced Based Medicine and Integrative Medicine, definitely differs, as to what they actually think is the cause of cancer.
Please understand, I am only a clinical veterinarian, but I have researched several thousand animal cancer patients, and many human cancer patients.
My clinical studies have identified an endocrine imbalance that leads to a deregulated immune system.
This imbalance is not only genetically induced, but may also be acquired, due to aging and environmental input.
My studies have proven in animals and in humans, that there is definitely an imbalance in families of animals and humans that is genetically passed on.
What I believe is predetermined and passed on, is an endocrine imbalance that leads to a deregulated immune system, which in turn, creates the uncontrolled tissue growth, referred to as cancer.
Why is this significant?
This is significant, because this imbalance is easily identified with a simple blood test, and when this imbalance occurs, my clinical studies indicate that cancer may be one of the end products, besides also creating allergies and autoimmunity.
The degree of the imbalance may predict the severity of the disease.
My clinical studies have shown that this endocrine imbalance comes from a middle layer, adrenal cortex (zona fasciculata) imbalance in cortisol.
Why does this happen?
It only happens, when the daily, normal production of cortisol, which must be 30 to 35ug/dL in animals and in humans, is deficient or defective.
What does natural cortisol do in the body?
When proper amounts of cortisol are produced, the cortisol funds the negative feedback to the hypothalamic-pituitary axis and regulates the immune system and their function in protecting the body.
Once this has occurred, the liver breaks down the natural cortisol and the kidneys excrete those breakdown products.
When this physiological system has been completed, and the normal cortisol levels have been reduced, the hypothalamus produces its Cortico-Releasing Factor (CRF), which stimulates the pituitary gland to release its ACTH. This in turn, will stimulate the middle adrenal cortex, to release more natural cortisol, which will regulate the immune system, which will be able to protect the body of the patient, including all its various functions.
This physiological system is referred to as a negative feedback mechanism.
What happens when the normal cortisol production is deficient or defective?
The hypothalamic-pituitary axis continues its production of CRF and ACTH, and since the middle layer adrenal cortex can no longer function to produce normal amounts of regulatory cortisol for the immune system, the inner layer adrenal cortex (zona reticularis) responds in a positive feedback mechanism that stimulates the production of excessive amounts of estrogen, including androgen.
NOTE: This clinical manifestations of cancer, deals only with the effects of elevated total estrogen at this time, which includes both adrenal estrogen and ovarian estrogen.
What are the causes of a deficient or defective cortisol?
My clinical studies in animals and humans, indicate that a deficient or defective cortisol may occur, due to many different reasons.
I personally believe, the Achilles’ tendon of the animal and the human body, relates to the middle layer adrenal cortex and its ability or inability, to control the negative feedback to the hypothalamic-pituitary axis and its ability to produce normal types of cortisol that will regulate and allow the immune system to function normally, and protect the patient.
The following is a list of adverse inputs that may damage the production of normal cortisol and cause an immune deregulation:
- Adrenal Exhaustion (NOTE: I have a paper published in 1978 on my website that indicates when stress is present, it uses cortisol as the catalyst to produce adrenaline. Adrenal Exhaustion should only describe the exhaustion of the middle layer adrenal cortex and its production of normal cortisol, and not the other two adrenal cortex layers, which function normally.)
- Toxic heavy metals
- Vaccines
- Anesthesia
- Trauma
- Radiation
- Chemicals
- Improper nutrition
- Improper exercise
- Improper supplements and medications
- GMO food products etc.
I am sure there are other environmental inputs and other exposures that will damage the middle layer adrenal cortex, and its production of normal cortisol that are not listed here.
What happens when this production of natural cortisol is deficient or defective?
When this happens, the hypothalamic-pituitary axis tries to stimulate more release of natural cortisol, and when this cannot occur, the inner layer adrenal cortex responds in a direct feedback mechanism, by producing, increased amounts of adrenal estrogen
The elevated amounts of adrenal estrogen can create the following problems:
- It can bind the receptor sites for both T3 and T4 and render the patient metabolically hypothyroid. For more information on Metabolic Hypothyroidism, please go to my website.
- It will deregulates the immune system, which includes, both the B and T lymphocytes.
Let’s discus the deregulation of the B lymphocyte first.
This deregulation of the B-lymphocyte, reduces its production of immunoglobulins and when the mucous membrane antibody (IgA) is below a certain level, malabsorption will occur steroids will occur including many other medications and supplements.
This is why a patient in the hospital on an IV antibiotic does quite well, but when they are sent home on the same oral antibiotic, they do poorly, based upon the fact that malabsorption will occur, when the IgA is below a certain level.
- It will cause an inability to produce protective antibodies when vaccinated.
- It is the reason for the development of food sensitivities.
- It is the reason for insect sensitivities.
This elevated adrenal estrogen, may also cause the deregulation of the T lymphocyte. When the T lymphocyte is properly regulated by the endocrine system, it will protect the patient against viruses and fungi.
All HIV patients that I have been involved with (consulting with their physicians) all had elevated total estrogen and a deregulated T lymphocytes that allowed their exposure to the HIV virus, to develop into AIDS.
All their cortisol levels were either deficient of defective, indicated by blood test results.
A French researcher has reported that he occasionally finds cancer with some of his AIDS patients.
The few patients that were checked for normal cortisol and total estrogen, all had elevated adrenal estrogen and deregulated T- lymphocytes.
All prostate cancer patients, mammary gland cancer patients, and a few MS and ALS patients, all had elevated total estrogen.
If the elevated total estrogen, which includes ovarian estrogen and adrenal estrogen, may cause a T-lymphocyte deregulation and the possibility of a virus, causing cancer.
So the viral cause of cancer is viable, but the actual manifestation of the cancer may occur, because of the production of a deficient or defective cortisol, that creates an elevated adrenal estrogen and a deregulated T lymphocyte.
Elevated estrogen does cause inflammation of all the endothelial cells that line the arteries in the body and can lead to oxidative imbalances and not only metabolic changes in the body but also genetic mutations.
Both the Metabolic Theory of cancer and the Genetic Mutation Theory of cancer may all be involved, and manifest themselves clinically, as a cortisol imbalance, which may lead to a deregulated immune system, and may allow for the uncontrolled tissue growth, referred to as cancer.
Research has shown that when estrogen is introduced into normal tissue, that tissue will begin to grow.
The medical literature also indicates when an estrogen dominant woman menstruates, the elevated ovarian estrogen, in combination with the excess adrenal estrogen, will cause inflammation of the endothelial cells lining her cerebral arteries and may cause her to have migraine headaches and possible epileptic seizures.
Have you ever thought that elevated total estrogen may also be involved with other inflammatory diseases like Alzheimer’s syndrome and possibly Autism?
All canine patients that I have been involved with, who clinically have idiopathic epilepsy, all have elevated total estrogen.
Please realize, that only measuring a hormone without measuring the end product it regulates in the body, will not indicate if that hormone, is available, for use in the body.
A good example of this, is measuring cortisol.
There are tests that measure serum cortisol, salivary cortisol, and 24 hour urine, cortisol.
The fact that the cortisol might be present in normal amounts, and free amounts, DOES NOT indicate if the cortisol can be used by the body.
For any practitioner to assume their patient is normal, based upon their hormone test results, may be incorrect.
Merely depending on what level a particular laboratory indicates is normal for any tested bodily fluid, may also be incorrect.
When measuring the cortisol level in a patient, you must include a total estrogen test, and if the total estrogen is normal, the cortisol is being recognized by the negative feedback mechanism to the hypothalamic-pituitary axis and is active and working properly.
If the cortisol level is normal or elevated, and the total estrogen is elevated, indicates that the type of cortisol the middle layer adrenal cortex is producing, is defective and not recognized by the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, and it is time to also check the total T3, T4, IgA, IgM and IgG of the patient.
Funding an endocrine imbalance in any patient, whether human or animal, will totally depend on how much hormone replacement is necessary to normalize that patient’s B-lymphocytes production of immunoglobulins. Once the immunoglobulin levels are normal, the T-lymphocyte function, will also usually become normal.
Unfortunately, excess amounts of total estrogen is a concern, because it may lead to allergies, autoimmunity and cancer.
Total estrogen is usually not measured by the medical profession just yet.
There seems to be a lack of recognition that excessive amounts of adrenal estrogen will occur, when there is a cortisol imbalance.
In men and in male and female animals, estradiol is the only estrogen usually measured.
Postmenopausal women can have their total estrogen measured at any time along with their E1, E2 and E3
Typically, women have their estradiol, estriole and estrone measured, with no attempt to measure their total estrogen, which does include adrenal estrogen.
If a women is still menstruating, the total estrogen test needs to be done at the 7th day of her ovarian cycle, when her ovaries are least active in producing ovarian estrogen and once again at the 23rd or 24th day, when her ovaries are producing the most ovarian estrogen, and the obvious difference, will be the adrenal estrogen.
This is why the total estrogen, and the Cortisol Connection have been missed, and is so important, because without measuring total estrogen, you cannot determine if the cortisol is active or inactive, and it will also help in identify, why uncontrolled tissue growth is occurring in the patient, and how it can be controlled.
From a clinical standpoint, how can this be identified and controlled?
A simple addition of the following blood tests, may be added to the routine blood tests a heath care professional, usually performs.
For MD’s and DVM’s that might be interested in looking at this total estrogen, cortisol connection, the following are my recommendations for those patients that have allergies, autoimmunity or cancer:
- Cortisol
- Total Estrogen
- Total T3 and T4
- Reverse T3
- Iodine
- IgA
- IgM
- IgG
- Cortisol
- Total Estrogen
- Total T3 and T4
- IgA
- IgM
- IgG
NOTE: For further information on the actual application of this endocrine immune Imbalance, please go an article on this website titled, The Results of an International Convention for Integrative MD Oncologists, Regarding Dr. Plechner’s For Many Different, Chronic Humans Diseases
Hopefully identifying the levels of those hormones that regulate the immune system, will aid in treating your patient, whether human or animal.
Dr. AL Plechner