Addendum- An Alternative Treatment for SARDS and Other ACEIS Diseases

Posted on June 2nd, 2016

Unfortunately, the veterinary profession seems not to realize that the Pfizer Depomedrol, is not as effective as the Upjohn Depomedrol, which has not been manufactured, for many years.

When Pfizer had Zoetis make their Depomedrol, the FDA notified them that since Depomedrol was such an old pharmaceutical product, no clinical trials were necessary.

If you look at the insert that accompanies the Pfizer Depomedrol, you will notice that there are no recommendations for the use of their product in mgs /lb. of body weight

All that the Pfizer Depomedrol lists in their insert, are ranges for use, which obviously will not apply to each, individual animal.

To determine proper dosages for the use of Pfizer Depomedrol, I have performed over 29,000 endocrine immune blood tests with National Veterinary Diagnostic Services, all indicating that, for the Pfizer Depomedrol to work effectively, it may take anywhere from 1.5 to 3mgs./ lb. of body weight, and in smaller dogs and cats, even higher dose levels, for their product to be effective.

The use of this product must be decided upon, by you and by your veterinarian.

The general public, including most veterinarians, believe that steroid therapy can be very harmful, which it can be, particularly if the patient is producing normal amounts, of adrenal cortisol.

However, its use is not harmful, when used for a patient that has a cortisol imbalance.

Each SARDS and ACEIS patient that has had an endocrine immune blood test done, indicates results that identify a cortisol deficiency or a non-functioning cortisol.

This is why I have suggested providing an active, cortisol replacement for that particular patient.

This decision was based on fact, and not just on an opinion.

It is vital for the health of the patient, for you and your veterinarian to realize this.

Because the veterinary profession does not realize that there is a difference between the effectiveness of the Pfizer Depomedrol, and the no longer produced, Upjohn Depomedrol, the veterinarians have decided that my suggestions for the use of elevated levels of Pfizer Depomedrol, are too high, even if they work very well, at those levels.

Because of their belief, I have designed another suggested, treatment protocol for their veterinary profession, that they might be more interested, in following.

An endocrine immune test, must be completed, in order to identify a cortisol, thyroid imbalance, before replacement therapy is initiated, in most instances

NOTE: National Veterinary Diagnostic Services is the only veterinary laboratory, offering these tests, at this time.

This test will also measure immunoglobulins (antibodies) and if the IgA in the gut, is at 58 mg/dL or higher, a daily oral steroid like Medrol, is indicated.

If the IgA is below 58 mg/dL, malabsorption of oral steroids, will occur.

In humans, my studies indicate that the IgA level, must be at 68 mg/dL or higher, for oral steroid absorption to occur.

For more information on humans, please go to or the internet, and read The Results of an International Convention for Integrative MD Oncologists, Regarding Dr. Plechner’s Findings for Many Different Human Diseases.

Since my suggested dose of Pfizer Depomedrol will not be used, weekly subcutaneous injections, of Kenalog or Triamcinolone, can be used.

It will be necessary to do at least, four weekly injections, before rechecking the endocrine immune levels and determining, if the IgA has reached 58 mg/dL, or not.

If the IgA has not reached 58 mg/dl, then further injections of Kenalog or Triamcinolone are indicated, until the IgA reaches 58 mg/dL.

Once the IgA has reached 58 mg/dL, three days after the last injection, oral Medrol can be given, once a day.

The amount to use, of the Kenalog or Triamcinolone, can be decided by your veterinarian.

This way, your veterinarian can decide on the dose of Kenalog or Triamcinolone, they are comfortable, using.

What is the difference between doing the long acting or short acting injections?

The difference, is that in the Pfizer Depomedrol, National Veterinary Diagnostic Services has reported that some additive in Pfizer Depomedrol, seems to shut down the hormone production of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, when a cortisol imbalance, is present.

The significance of this, when it occurs, is that the adrenal estrogen decreases more rapidly. This is important particularly for the SARDS patient or the patient with an acute autoimmune disease, because it is the elevated amounts of adrenal estrogen, that is causing their disease.

In the case of a SARDS patient or a patent that has an acute autoimmune disease, the quicker the adrenal estrogen is reduced, the better the chances are for recovery.

So there is a reason to use my suggested, elevated doses of Pfizer Depomedrol, as opposed to only using the short acting, steroid injections, with certain acute cases.

If I am asked to make suggestions, and I believe I can make suggestions that are worthwhile, I will be more than happy to provide you, with those suggestions.

However, please remember, by Law, I am only allowed to make suggestions, and you and your veterinarian are in complete charge of your pet, and it will be between you and your veterinarian’s complete responsibility, to implement my suggestions, or not.

Please remember, there will never be an excuse for being told, there is no treatment for SARDS, “Go home and learn how to live with blind dog”.

This article is meant to provide you and your veterinarian with an alternative, allowing for the use of a short acting cortisol, replacement injection, as opposed to using my suggested, elevated dose level, for a Pfizer Depomedrol, injection.

In any event, the endocrine immune imbalance MUST be treated, in order to help your pet avoid other catastrophic diseases, from happening.

Hopefully this article will also provide, for both you and your veterinarian, a better understanding as to what really needs to be done, in order to help your pet.


Dr. AL Plechner