A SARDS Pet Owners Thoughts About the Difference Between Dr. Plechner’s Protocol and Levin’s Protocol
Posted on May 23rd, 2016I recently read an exchange at SARDS Dogs Adrenal Exhaustion (a Yahoo group) and would like to share it here. Paula’s SARDS dog was treated with my protocol, which resulted in eyesight return for Butter P.
To achieve the best results using Plechner's syndrome the following must be taken into consideration:
1) How well the SARDS canine hides the vision loss.
2) How quickly you the SARDS, canine owner, realizes the canine is blind.
3) How quickly the veterinarian responds with proper treatment.
Please realize that your dog’s SARDS syndrome, may not be the first autoimmune syndrome to develop, and if not, correcting the SARDS syndrome, may not be the final answer
If Plechner’s syndrome is measured with a patient that already has other autoimmune diseases, that not only include includes SARDS, but also may include cancer, it will help identify and treat the endocrine immune imbalance that is the cause of these other diseases, while also helping return vision, but the ultimate outcome for the patient, may be very questionable.
The faster you realize your pet is blind, and your veterinarian helps treat your pet correctly, the better the chances are, that your pet, will a chance for sight return
In any event, the best you can do for your SARDS pet, is to immediately have the endocrine immune test done at National Veterinary Diagnostic Services and let me help you, at no cost to you
Here is the exchange from the SARDS support group:
Post: My dog has very recently been diagnosed with SARDS. I would like to hear feedback from differences between Levin and Plechner protocols, and their potential side effects? I have read on a few forums of people being skeptical of both and some mention it could cause more harm than good for the dogs.
Reply: There is a definite difference between Dr. Plechner's protocol and Caroline Levin's protocol. When Dr. Plechner's protocol is followed exactly, it does work. He has experienced a very high rate of eyesight return, but the dog has to be treated very soon after blindness (before there is permanent eye damage). Unfortunately, many have difficulty finding Dr. Plechner quickly enough and finding a veterinarian that will administer his protocol.
The other downside is that many veterinarians say they will administer his protocol, but they adjust his dosage recommendations and get bad results and then blame it on Dr. Plechner's protocol. Also, there is a lot of confusion online that Caroline Levin's protocol is Dr. Plechner's protocol, which it is not.
As far as treatment, Dr. Plechner explains it on his website. When treated very quickly and when his recommendations are followed exactly, Dr. Plechner is getting 80-90 % eyesight return, if the proper treatment can be initiated, with in 2 to 4 weeks. I think Caroline Levin states on her website that she is getting about a 25% return of eyesight, but I haven't looked at her information in quite a while, so this could have changed. She suggests added supplements, whereas Dr. Plechner does not.
Dr. Plechner's treatment is very simple. Since the dog is not making enough cortisol, he suggests cortisol replacement. And to keep any lingering cortisol from building up, he suggests a thyroid medication, which breaks down the cortisol. Many doctors have been conditioned to be afraid of cortisol, but they also don't know how to break down any lingering cortisol. This is why most veterinarians are afraid of the Plechner Protocol.
When there is adrenal damage and not enough cortisol is being made, it has to be replaced. A doctor wouldn't dream of withholding insulin from a diabetes patient, and the cortisol replacement is a similar comparison.
I hope this helps and I wish you the best. I know that watching your dog go blind can be devastating and I'm sorry he is going through this.
Paula Cook