Increased Adrenal Estrogen May Have Been Identified as One Cause for Developing Uncontrolled Tissue Growth (Cancer)

Posted on November 18th, 2016

Increased Adrenal Estrogen May Have Been Identified as One Cause for Developing Uncontrolled Tissue Growth (Cancer) in Canines, Felines, Equines, and Humans.

Over the past 50 years in veterinary practice, I have found that an adrenal imbalance in cortisol can result in the production of elevated amounts of adrenal estrogen, which appears to be associated with allergies, autoimmunity and uncontrolled tissue growth or cancer, in canine, feline, equine and human patients.

In the late 1940’s a prominent human laboratory made the decision that there were only 3 types of estrogen produced in the human body. They were estradiol, estrone and estriole.

My clinical studies have identified a 4th estrogen that is produced by the inner layer adrenal cortex, when the patient is producing a deficient or defective cortisol from the middle layer, adrenal cortex.

Over the past 50 years, I have also been able to observe this in several thousand cases of allergies, autoimmunity and cancer in canines, felines, equines and have been asked to be involved with over two thousand human patients.

National Veterinary Diagnostic Services has completed over 30,000 endocrine immune panels to date, and each panel identified a deficient or defective cortisol that allowed for the production of an elevated amount of adrenal estrogen.

Note: The patients that were tested all had allergies, autoimmune diseases and cancer.

If you are interested, NVDS is still providing veterinary laboratory services.

A and E Clinical Veterinary Laboratory completed 43,000 of these endocrine immune tests before selling their laboratory to Antec Laboratories.

Recently, IDEXX Laboratory has also added this endocrine immune panel to their testing available tests.

If an owner or veterinarian happens to be concerned about their pet or patient developing allergies, autoimmunity or cancer, from a preventative standpoint, a simple endocrine immune blood panel can be performed to determine if there is an endocrine immune imbalance present that needs be corrected, in order, to stop the chances for that canine, feline, equine or human, from developing allergies, autoimmunity or cancer.

Unfortunately, NVDS Laboratory appears to be only veterinary laboratory that can provide the proper normal values; that should accompany these endocrine immune blood panels.

The human laboratories that are also offering this endocrine immune blood panel are LabCorp and Quest.

National Veterinary Diagnostic Services laboratory may be contacted by e-mailing, or calling 281-661-4292.

The NVDS veterinary endocrine immune blood panel that should be performed is referred to as an EI1 blood panel.

The test consists of the following;




Total estrogen




This same condition for allergies, autoimmunity and uncontrolled tissue growth (cancer), is also present in human beings.

As I mentioned before, LabCorp seems to be doing the most of these tests for humans while Quest appears to be second. However any laboratory, whether veterinary of human, all have the ability to perform this endocrine immune blood panel

The test in humans is more comprehensive than in animals and measures the following;



Reverse T3









Total estrogen



The allergies, autoimmunity and uncontrolled tissue growth in both humans and animals, appears to begin with a deficient or defective cortisol.

In any event, the deficient or defective cortisol will cause the hypothalamic-pituitary axis to release their hormones CRF and ACTH, which in turn will cause the middle layer adrenal cortex to release more natural cortisol.

When the middle layer adrenal cortex has been damaged genetically, physiologically or because of some pathological process, the release of natural cortisol is diminished and the hypothalamus and pituitary glands will continue their hormonal release, in hopes of causing more natural cortisol to be released.

Unfortunately, if this cortisol release cannot occur from the middle layer adrenal cortex, the increased amounts of hypothalamic- pituitary hormones will stimulate the release of excess amounts of adrenal estrogen from the inner layer adrenal cortex, known as the Zona Reticularis.

When this occurs, the excess adrenal estrogen will cause the following;

  • It will bind the availability for use, of the thyroid hormones, T3 and T4.
  • It will also bind active cortisol.
  • It will deregulate the protective factors created by the B and T lymphocytes.
  • When these changes occur, it will create in animals and humans, allergies, autoimmunity and cancer.

If an animal or human develops an allergy, autoimmunity or cancer, a simple endocrine immune blood panel can be done in order to identify and correct this endocrine immune imbalance that is creating the disease.

However, the best medicine of all lies in the prevention of the allergy, autoimmunity and cancer.

This prevention can simply be performed in the normal patient by testing these endocrine immune values, and hopefully the day will come when this simple endocrine immune blood test will be a routine, standard blood test, that will help the patient maintain good health and avoid common diseases.

Most veterinary and human laboratories can provide you and your pet with their various normal values. However, many variations may occur between laboratories based upon the difference in production of estrogen from the ovaries and the inner layer adrenal cortex, which needs to be realized.

A human male should produce 80 to 115 ug/dl of adrenal estrogen, daily.

In the human female that is still ovulating, most human laboratories will have those values at the various times of their menstrual cycle and any values above the normal may be significant.

In the postmenopausal human female, the estrogen level should be 40 ug/dl or less.

These levels are vital to know for postmenopausal women, because often when a woman becomes postmenopausal, her estradiol is measured and NOT her total estrogen

Often if her estradiol has become deficient, she is prescribed an estradiol substitute.

Unfortunately, if her estradiol is decreased but her total estrogen is elevated, if she is prescribed the use of an estradiol substitute, the increased estrogen supplement, can create a state of hyperestrogenism, and cause all kinds of problems, including cancer. BE AWARE!

Please realize that most human laboratories only measure estradiol, estrone and estriole, and have no idea that huge amounts of estrogen can be produced by the adrenal cortex when there is a cortisol imbalance or deficiency in place.

In canines and felines, the normal male and female values are as follows;


Cortisol = 1 to 2.5 pg./ml

Total estrogen = 24 to 25ug/dL

T3 = 100 to 200 ng/dL

T4 = 2.0 to 4.5 ug/dL

IgA = 70 to170 mg/dL

IgM = 100 to 200 mg/dL

IgG = 1000 to 2000 mg/dL


Cortisol = 1 to 2.5 pg/ml

Total estrogen = 34 to 35 ug/dL

T3 = 100 to 200ng/dL

T4 = 2.0 to 4.5 ng/dL

IgA = 70 to 170 mg/dL

IgM = 100 to 200 mg/dL

IgG = 1000 to 2000 mg/dL

Unfortunately with animals and with humans, when the levels of adrenal estrogen are deficient or defective, these values will often result in the development of allergies, autoimmunity’s and cancer, in both animals and humans.

Hopefully this article will stimulate some interest and help you and your pet remain healthy without fear of developing allergies, autoimmunity or cancer.


Dr. AL Plechner