By Alfred J. Plechner, D.V.M.
Cat allergies are becoming more prevalent every day not only due to harmful environmental input, but mainly from the practice of inbreeding whether planned for or merely from feral cats that allowed their gene pool to get to close. The cause of cat allergies comes from a hormonal antibody imbalance referred to as Atypical Cortisol Estrogen Imbalance Syndrome (ACEIS) or as the public refers to it as Plechner’s Syndrome.
Cat allergies can range from the local inflammation of the skin to a more generalized inflammation of the skin. If the cat allergy of the skin is wide spread it is referred to as a milliary dermatitis.
Cat allergies can involve food sensitivities but is not as common as those food sensitivities found in people and in dogs. Since cat allergies are caused by a hormone antibody imbalance, wherever this imbalance is present and not protecting the cat, the allergic reaction can occur.
Cat allergies can vary from asthma, bronchitis, gum disease referred to as a gingival flare, kidney bladder inflammation, irritable bowel syndrome to behavioral disorders including idiopathic epilepsy. In 70% of cat allergies, there will be a small red line in the mouth of the cat where the gum reflects upon the enamel of the tooth. This sometimes is more difficult to see when the cat's gums are pigmented. Your veterinarian can help you identify the gingival flare in this instance.
To read more about Plechner's Syndrome and the cause of cat allergies please look at other articles on this website as well as look at the books under Published Works and on
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