The Cause of Cancer in Animals May be the Same in Humans

Posted on April 3rd, 2013

This post was originally posted on Nutricula Magazine on February 28th, 2013.

While the studies continue by the scientists trying to discover the secret of why the African Mole Rat does not develop cancer, as a clinical veterinarian, I too have been trying to discover why other animals and people do develop cancer.

The genetic or acquired make up allows for the development of a middle layer adrenal imbalance in cortisol that leads to an elevated estrogen; although this is the basis for cancer, the practice of medicine measures only partial estrogen andnot total estrogenwhich includes inner layer adrenal estrogen.

In human females, only 3 ovarian estrogens are measured, and in human males, only estradiol is measured. However, if total estrogen is measured, the test results reflect a much larger amount of estrogen than originally measured.

My clinical studies also show that there are high levels of total estrogen in all female dogs that are diagnosed with cancer… although these dogs no longer have their ovaries.

Every cancer patient I have ever been involved with, whether it be animal or human, has an elevated level of total estrogen that is not indicated with standard estrogen testing.

Elevated estrogen also causes inflammation of the cells that line the arteries in the body. This is important to note due to the concern that inflammation causes many catastrophic diseases to occur in the bodyincluding cancer.

Why not do a total estrogen test included while your health care professional is doing the routine blood work?

The “endocrine immune syndrome” which I have found, measures the comparative effects that this elevated estrogen creates with other hormones and how it can deregulate the regulation the immune system.

NOTEPlease remember that any hormone level measured in the body, even if it is within the established normal limits, will still not indicate whether that hormone can be utilized by the body! Measuring other responsive hormones and the immune production of antibodies will determine this.

Due to the production of a deficient, bound or defective cortisol, the pituitary glands production [of its hormone] will over stimulate the inner layer adrenal cortex and cause it to produce excess amounts of estrogen.

The elevated estrogen not only binds to the thyroid receptor sites but also causes a deregulation of the immune system. When this occurs, the lymphocytes [in the system] lose recognition of self-tissue and make anti-antibodies which can cause, or make us overly susceptible, to allergies, autoimmunity and cancer.

The elevated total estrogen also causes the B lymphocyte to decrease its production of antibody. When the mucous membrane antibody, (referred to as IgA), falls below a certain level, especially in the gut, malabsorption will occur. If and when this occurs, this is why many oral medications, herbs, vitamin, and other supplements are not absorbed through the intestinal wall of the patient. This also is why injectable medications often work better than when taking them orally.

While battling cancer, even if you or your pet are in remission, it is vital to insure that this elevated estrogen syndrome and its effects have been corrected so that the uncontrolled tissue growth does not reoccur even after successful medical management.

For more information on the cause of cancer and control of the endocrine imbalance that initiated the problem, please go to