Some New Food Considerations

Posted on May 2nd, 2016

We have all known for a several years, that the agricultural application of insect repellant chemicals, for fruits and vegetables, has been very harmful for animal’s humans, and for our environment.

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has tried to provide the general public with information about fruits and vegetables that may be harmful, if eaten.

They have named strawberries as containing the highest amount of damaging chemicals.

Even soaking these non-organic fruits and vegetable in water, may not help, because most of these sprayed on chemicals are oil based, so they will remain on the agricultural product longer.

The EWG lists, the following fruits and vegetables that you should avoid, for both you and your pet, if not truly Organic.

Note; The word Organic, now seems to be a tag word, so be very, very careful to make sure what you have purchased, is truly organic, and if there is any question to the validity of being organic, please do not buy.

The following is a EWG list of Non-Organic fruits and vegetables to avoid;


. Strawberries

. Blueberries (if not domestic)

. Raspberries

. Apples

. Nectarines

. Peaches

. Plums

. Oranges

. Tangerines

. Bananas

. Watermelon

. Grapes

. Cherries


. Celery

. Corn

. Lettuce

. Kale/ Collard greens

. Spinach

. Tomatoes.

. Mushrooms

. Cherry tomatoes

. Sweet Bell Peppers

. Hot peppers

. Green onions

. Green beans

. Carrots

. Snap peas

. Broccoli

. Sweet potatoes

. Summer squash

. Winter squash

. Cucumbers

EWG has listed the following fruits and vegetable that are safe to eat for yourself and for your pet;


. Pineapple

. Mangos

. Papaya

. Kiwi

. Grapefruit

. Honeydew melons

. Cantaloupe


. Avocado

. Asparagus

. Sweet corn (Please make sure the corn is not GMO corn, which contains glyphosates. I personally, do not know how to tell the difference, I so I avoid all corn and corn products unless)

. Cabbage

. Cauliflower

. Sweet peas (frozen)

. Onions

. Eggplant

For further information on this subject, please go to the internet, and type in Environmental Working Group

With today’s agricultural practices in the United States, including the fruit and vegetable imports that we face, yes, it is very difficult these days, to be able to find and feed you and your pet, a chemical free fruit or vegetable diet.

Raising you own fruits and vegetables at home, may be the final answer, as long as you do not use any GMO seeds.

Many people in British Columbia, Canada are raising all their fruits and vegetables in green houses, in order to reduce the risk of the winds blowing in GMO seeds, from adjacent farms.

Hopefully this article will help open your eyes, and let you know what is actually happening to the food we eat and feed our pets.

Being food savvy, can only help you find a better, healthier way to eat, for both you and your pet, and finding and identifying safer foods, will help all of us have a healthier, future.


Dr. AL Plechner