By Alfred J. Plechner, D.V.M.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease, referred to as IBD, normally manifests its presence by causing chronic diarrhea in animals and in humans.

IBD is thought to be an inflammatory disease that can also cause a gastritis, enteritis and colitis which all come from inflammation.

The basis for this comes from a mucous membrane antibody deficiency referred to as an IGA deficiency and further known as immunoglobulin A.

It is very important to realize where ever an IgA deficiency occurs, clinical disease may also occur.

The location of the clinical disease will be determined either by genetics or an acquired imbalance.

An animal or human with IBD may also have inflammation of the kidneys, liver, lungs, anemia, joints, causing arthritis, maladsorption, weight loss, eye disease, skin problems or anywhere in the body that an IgA deficiency exists.

Please begin to think about all the various diseases in people and animals that may stem from this IgA imbalance based upon their location.

The IgA imbalance is an effect and only part of the cause.

The cause of the IgA imbalance, IBD and other associated diseases, come from a middle layer imbalance in natural cortisol, produced by the middle layer, adrenal cortex.

However, there needs to be a medical recognition that the endocrine system regulates the immune system with the realization that if a hormone occurs in a normal amount in the body that does not mean that hormone will be effective in the patient’s body.

This is why comparative endocrine immune testing levels are so important and if they are done correctly, the laboratory will process the blood sample in a cooled state.

The cause of IBD and its associated diseases come from a middle layer adrenal imbalance in its production of natural cortisol.

Unfortunately, there is also a lack of realization that people and most animals produce 30 to 35 units of natural cortisol every day, yet everyone believes that using a cortisol supplement is wrong.

Almost every steroid responsive disease has not been recognized for a steroid imbalance and is yet, is used for the good effects the steroid creates and has no idea that all the steroid use is doing is funding a measurable cortisol deficiency.

IBD comes from a cortisol imbalance which may be due to being deficient, bound or being defective.

NOTE: Please remember if your health care professional measures your cortisol or your pet’s cortisol and it is normal or high, means very little unless they measure the effects of what the cortisol regulates.

There is a negative feedback between the cortisol producing layer of the adrenal cortex and the pituitary gland.

What does this mean?

What it means is that when the middle layer of the adrenal releases its cortisol and completes its function in the body the liver reduces its levels, and the pituitary gland then releases its ACTH hormone to cause further cortisol release.

When the natural cortisol is deficient, bound or defective, this negative feedback will not work.

When this occurs, the pituitary gland keeps producing ACTH but with the middle later adrenal cortex inability to produce regulatory cortisol, the inner adrenal cortex responds with elevated estrogens and androgens.

This elevated adrenal estrogen will cause many problems but is not being included in total estrogen and this is why many catastrophic diseases like autoimmunity and cancer have not been successfully treated for their effects or their cause.

In animals estradiol might be measured but the veterinary laboratories besides one do not have the equipment to measure total estrogen.

In human females only estradiol, estrone and estriole are measured and not total estrogen.

In human males only estradiol is measured and not total estrogen.

What does this elevated total estrogen do?

The elevated total estrogen:

  1. Deregulates the B and T cells which are the main components of the immune system so they lose recognition of self- tissue and can lead to allergies, autoimmunity and cancer.
  2. Binds the receptor sites of thyroid hormone.
  3. Suppresses the B cell production of immunoglobulins,  including the IgA.

In order to identify this imbalance for IBS and other autoimmune and cancer producing diseases, a simple blood test will identify these imbalances and direct you to the proper correction or control.

Please look at articles on this website for more information on how to do this and which laboratory will give you the proper results.


A 3 year old female, spayed 60 lb. German Shepard had chronic diarrhea and weight loss for over one year. Even though her food was changed and she was put on plant based digestive enzymes, her IBD like problem continued. Upon testing her for an endocrine immune imbalance, the following blood test results were as follows:

Total Estrogen = 35.19 pg/ml
30 to 35 pg/ml
Cortisol = .79 ug/dl
1.0 to 2.5ug/dl
T3 = 70 ng/dl
100 to 200 ng/dl
T4 = 1.5 ng/dl
2.0 to 4.5 ng/dl
IgA = 51 ng/dl
70 to 170 ng/dl
IgM = 65 ng/dl
100 to 200 ng/dl
IgG = 895 ng/dl
1000 to 2000 ng/dl

This female Shepard is typical of a canine with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

Cats and people follow the same imbalance however at this time, this kind of causal testing has not been done.

Her low IgA at 51 will disallow her from absorbing many different supplements orally and her condition up to date has been treated for the clinical effects of IBD and not its cause.

Until her IgA levels reach 58, she will not be able to absorb most oral supplements and this is the main reason why homeopathic and holistic therapy has not worked, because with an IgA below 58, absorption is questionable.

Supplemented blood test results:

 Cortisol = 1.7 ug/dl
 1 to 2.5 ug/dl
 Total Estrogen = 34.96 pg/ml
 20 to 25 pg/ml
 T3 = 131 ng/dl
 100 to 200 ng/dl
 T4 = 3.9 ng/dl
 2 to 4.5 ng/dl
 IgA = 72 ng/dl
 70 to 170 ng/dl
 IgM = 160 ng/dl
 100 to 200 ng/dl
 IgG = 1280 ng/dl
 1000 to 2000 ng/dl

Typically, what is necessary is to realize, is that her IgA needs to be at 58 or higher for your supplements to enter her bloodstream and work.

How can this be done?

Simply bypass the gut with an intramuscular injection!

In my clinical experience, with an IgA of 51, it took 3 injections of a combination steroid injection IM to bypass the gut, shut down the pituitary ACTH, reduce the adrenal estrogen and increase the IgA to 58 so that 10 days after the last IM injection, oral steroids can be absorbed.

At the same time, a T4 supplement is necessary to firstly fund the bound receptor sites of normal thyroid hormone and secondarily when the estrogen levels no longer block the thyroid receptor sites, to guarantee that the increase metabolism of the liver and kidney so that the physiological cortisol replacement remains as a daily physiological replacement and will not be allowed to become a damaging pharmacological level.

Thyroid hormone was begun immediately while 3 IM injections were given at a 10 day interval and 10 days after the last injection, Medrol was given at a level of 1 mg per 10 lbs. of body weight once daily.

Her diet was determined by doing an elimination diet which is available on this website.

Please remember that the diets that were tried and worked for a while during the time of her imbalance normally will usually not work again.

The medical profession believes that for people and animals, if you avoid a food allergen for 3 to 4 weeks, you or your pet will be able to once again tolerate that diet.

In my clinical opinion, once the patient has purged their system of a diet from a specific food antigen and then retry to eat it or feed it to their pet, the reaction often will be much more severe than the original reaction.

Hundreds of other cases do show this hormone antibody imbalance, and unless you as a practitioner realize that many hormones may be measured in the normal range, will never indicate to you if the patient can utilize that hormone or not.

Also there seems to be very little recognition that our animals and ourselves need to produce at least 30 to 35 units of natural cortisol every day from the middle layer adrenal cortex to remain normal.

The use of steroids and there “magic” effects only come from a cortisol imbalance that has been unwittingly funded and is not realized how to fund or even manage this imbalance safely.


This involves a 1 year old, 6 lb., spayed female cat that had had chronic diarrhea her entire life. Fecal exams were all normal and Flagyl and Albon were used to try to control the problem. Even an elimination diets and a aw diet were tried with negative results.

The cat had been referred to me for a possible hormone antibody imbalance. Upon examination this cat did fall into the 70 % category where the cat had a gingival flare which represented an IgA deficiency which occurs in all the mucous membranes of her body including her gut.

 Cortisol = 3.7 ug/dl
 1 to 2.5 ug/dl
 Total Estrogen = 35.18 pg/ml
 20 to 25 pg/ml
 T3 = 91 ng/dl
 100 to 200 ng/dl
 T4 = 1.0 ng/dl
 2 to 4.5 ng/dl
 IgA = 49 ng/dl
 70 to 170 ng/dl
 IgM = 76 ng/dl
 100 to 200 ng/dl
 IgG = 791 ng/dl
 1000 to 2000 ng/dl

After proper injections and then oral replacement therapy, these are the supplemented results.

 Cortisol = 0.45 ug/dl
 1 to 2.5 ug/dl
 Total Estrogen = 34.98 pg/ml
 20 to 25 pg/ml
 T3 = 151 ng/dl
 100 to 200 ng/dl
 T4 = 3.0 ng/dl
 2 to 4.5 ng/dl
 IgA = 81 ng/dl
 70 to 170 ng/dl
 IgM = 159 ng/dl
 100 to 200 ng/dl
 IgG = 1624 ng/dl
 1000 to 2000 ng/dl

This cat was producing a defective cortisol that needs to be kept as low as possible. This is not Cushing Syndrome but rather Atypical Cortisol Estrogen Imbalance Syndrome (ACEIS) or as the public refers to it as Plechner’s Syndrome.


This case involved a 3 year old 24 lb., male neutered, mixed breed. He had a chronic bowel upset for the past 2 years and serum food tests were done and even when he was put on a “nonreactive, tested” diet, his diarrhea still continued. Of interest, he did have a gingival flare which is only seen in 30% of the canine patients. As inbreeding continues this gingival flare will be become more frequent.

Note: often pet owners believe having a “mute” may guarantee better health but in all actuality, the parents of this dog may have been genetically damaged purebreds that concentrated their imbalances in their unsuspecting offspring and the owners that take these poor damaged dogs and cats into their family.

 Cortisol = 0.37 ug/dl
 1 to 2.5 ug/dl
 Total Estrogen = 25.31 pg/ml
 20 to 25 pg/ml
 T3 = 74 ng/dl
 100 to 200 ng/dl
 T4 = 5.6 ng/dl
 2 to 4.5 ng/dl
 IgA = 52 ng/dl
 70 to 170 ng/dl
 IgM = 81 ng/dl
 100 to 200 ng/dl
 IgG = 752 ng/dl
 1000 to 2000 ng/dl

Supplemental Test Results

 Cortisol = 0.81 ug/dl
 1 to 2.5 ug/dl
 Total Estrogen = 24.97 pg/ml
 20 to 25 pg/ml
 T3 = 173 ng/dl
 100 to 200 ng/dl
 T4 = 3.9 ng/dl
 2 to 4.5 ng/dl
 IgA = 79 ng/dl
 70 to 170 ng/dl
 IgM = 160 ng/dl
 100 to 200 ng/dl
 IgG = 1723 ng/dl
 1000 to 2000 ng/dl

Note: the original low T3 and elevated T4 indicates a deficient or damaged cortisol that is responsible for transferring T4 to T3. This is the main reason why any laboratory should never just run a T4 level without also doing a T3. For a medical health care professional to base their suggestions on only a T4 level, is just wrong!

There is much more information on the safe use of a cortisol replacement on this website if you are interested.

Please remember, if it not been done and taught in schools of higher medical learning, it does not mean it does not exist.

Where there is life, there will always be hope!

These are only my thoughts and I hope they help.

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