By Alfred J. Plechner, D.V.M.

Cancer treatment in animals may vary from species to species. The cancer treatment that is used for dogs may certainly vary from the cancer treatment used for cats, horses, birds and pocket critters. Cancer treatment in animals normally will fall into 3 categories. Those categories are excision, chemotherapy and radiation.

What you need to know if your animal has fallen prey to cancer is:

-What is the type of cancer my animal has?

-If any or all of the above categories are used, what kind of reasonable success rate can I expect?

-If I have you as my veterinarian do these procedures, will my animal suffer?

-What will be the cost for the entire series of treatments?

-My animal is geriatric and do you think the treatment procedure is realistic for an older animal and will still create a quality of life?

-When dealing with cancer treatments for animals, these are the questions you need to ask your specialty veterinarians. Please realize that today's cancer treatments for animals are designed to only treat the effects of the cancer and not the cause of the cancer!

What then is the cause of cancer in animals and humans?

Please realize the cause of cancer comes from an elevated adrenal estrogen which can occur due to a genetic or acquired defect in the production of natural cortisol from the middle layer adrenal cortex. Research experiments have shown that by adding estrogen to normal tissue cells, rapid growth will occur.

Most people do not realize that if you and your animal intend to stay healthy and free from catastrophic diseases there must be a daily production of 30 to 35 units of natural cortisol from the middle layer of the adrenal cortex. Many different types of insults can adversely affect this highly important regulatory layer from genetics, anesthesia, vaccines, drugs of all kinds, insect bites, stress, diet, down to drugs and alcohol etc. When these insults occur, this puts you and your animal directly into Atypical Cortisol Estrogen Imbalance Syndrome (ACEIS) or as the public refers to it as Plechner’s Syndrome.

If you decide that the cancer treatment for animals is not something you want to do or put your animal through, there are definite alternatives you need to know about that are much less invasive. Definitely have your veterinarian do the Plechner's Syndrome blood test. Details for the test and use of the proper laboratory are listed on this website.

Once the test has identified the causative hormone antibody imbalance, supplemental hormones can be given to control the imbalance and slow done or stop the growth of the tumor. Shark cartilage can be used twice daily to decrease the blood supply to any fast growing soft tissue tumor which is referred to as an anti-angiogenesis factor. (Possibly 500 mgs per 10 lbs of body weight twice daily up to a maximum of 2500 mgs twice daily for a very large dog). A premium calcium montmorillinite should be given orally and if the tumor is visualized externally, a poultice of this same material can be applied directly to the tumor site daily and left in place. The Gerson Institute in southern California has been using this premium calcium montmorillinite to treat human cancer patients with internal tumors successfully. Mahatma Gandhi has used this "living clay" successfully for many years.

Research studies indicate that rapidly growing tumors utilize increased amounts of glucose and the end product of this utilization of glucose is an acid environment that is conducive to continued tumor growth. A study done in Arizona reflects the fact that there is an inability of the tumor to continue its excess growth in an alkaline environment. This premium calcium montmorillinite creates an alkaline environment with a PH of 8.3. Not only does this alkaline PH slow down tumor growth, but it stops colonies of malignant cells that break off the primary tumor to become established as another tumor. Therefore, metastasis of the primary tumor is stopped which is vital for cancer treatment of animals including their owners. Further information on this premium calcium montmorillinite can be viewed on this website under Articles.

For many years, the Chinese have found asparagene to definitely help stop soft tissue tumor growth. Asparagene is readily available in asparagus. I have found it best to give 5 to 7 steamed asparagus spears twice daily in your animal's food. It seems often best to use a blender for the steamed asparagus spears and mix in small amounts of the blended asparagus into your animal's food and eventually decide on how much of the asparagus blend your animal will eat without passing up eating the food completely.

Regarding cancer treatment in animals and people, treating the effects are definitely important, but even more important than that is to identify the cause of the cancer so that even if treating the effects of the cancer seems to work, without identifying the cause, often the cancer will return.

To read more about Plechner's Syndrome and cancer please look at other articles on this website as well as look at the books under Published Works and on

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