Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Posted on May 5th, 2016

For many years. IBS has plagued humans, dogs, cats, horses and I suspect many other kinds of mammals.

Of interest, an MD with the Gastroenterology Research Unit with the Addenbrook’s Hospital in Cambridge, United Kingdom, reports that his findings indicate that the frequency for IBS in humans is as high as 15 % at some time during their life time.

Wikipedia refers to this syndrome as IBS or spastic colon.

All the various internet sources agree that IBS may cause abdominal pain and either diarrhea or constipation in both humans and animals.

There are many other medical conditions that can make a patient suffer from an “IBS like” disease.

The internet lists those following conditions;

  1. Coeliac disease
  2. Fructose malabsorption
  3. Bacterial infection
  4. Intestinal parasites
  5. Food sensitivities
  6. Abnormal bacterial overgrowth
  7. A trypsin deficiency
  8. Diarrhea
  9. Constipation


  1. IBS-D = Diarrhea
  2. IBS-C = Constipation
  3. IBS-A = Alternating bowel consistency.


  1. Abdominal pain with alternating stool consistency
  2. Bloating with forced abdominal pressure with no stool production
  3. Vomiting.
  4. Acid reflux
  5. Painful joints with possible referred pain
  6. Urinary tract involvement with possible blood in the urine
  7. Tumors
  8. Thyroid dysfunction
  9. Food sensitivities


So far, according to the internet, there is no identifiable CAUSE for IBS, therefore it is, most important to contact your health care professional as soon as possible, for the best possible treatment for the EFFECTS of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Q and A

Q) My dog has been diagnosed with IBS for the past year, and nothing has helped.

What would you suggest?

  1. You might discuss having the endocrine immune test done on your pet and once the blood test results return, both you and your veterinarian are welcome to contact me on my website.

Q) My dog is a male German Shepard and just can’t put on weight.

He is smaller than he should be and loves to eat plastic and paper.

No matter how much I feed him, he still does not gain weight and has way too many stools. Could this be IBS?


  1. It is of interest, that almost 75 % of German Shepard’s have a trypsin deficiency.

This is often a genetic defect in the production of an exocrine enzyme from the pancreas that is vital for breaking down nutrients and allowing the patient to absorb all the ingested nutrients.

When there is a trypsin deficiency, the growth of the dog is often stunted and also cause a condition of pica which means the dog will eat all kinds of extraneous materials in order to try to fulfil their nutritional needs.

Feeding more food only causes more stools.

Please discuss this with your veterinarian and add a plant based digestive enzyme to each of his meals. You will be able to tell if this helps first, merely by the reduced number stools he should be producing. If his present day condition improves, he probably does not have IBS.

Q) Unfortunately my pet succumbed from IBS and I now have his relative and I am worried that this condition is genetic and may cause the same IBS in my new pet. Do you have any thoughts on how I might protect my new pet from having this happen to him?

A) IBS can certainly be genetic, and if it is, it would be very simple for you to have your veterinarian do this endocrine immune test to make sure an imbalance has not begun before the effect occurs. If this imbalance is present, the test results will indicate this and the imbalance can be corrected before the IBS begins.

Prevention will always be the best form of medical treatment


In dogs, cats and horses, the CAUSE of IBS has been shown clinically from an endocrine imbalance that disrupts the immune system and reduces any protection that the immune system might offer to the patient.

A simple endocrine immune blood test can be performed on an IBS patient, and the CAUSE of IBS can be identified and then correctly treated.

The clinical signs of IBS begin with the middle layer adrenal cortex and its production of necessary, natural cortisol.

Cortisol is a vital hormone that must be produced daily in the amount of 30 to 35 units.

The cortisol must be in an active form so the pituitary gland will recognize the cortisol in their negative feedback mechanism, otherwise if the cortisol production, is deficient or has been altered in any way, otherwise the pituitary gland will not recognize and accept this cortisol imbalance, and will continue producing its hormone, called ACTH.

NOTE: It is important to realize that many types of environmental and other types of exposures including stress, will alter the natural cortisol production by the middle layer adrenal cortex, and this alteration can be the beginning of the imbalance that causes IBS.

The increase production of pituitary ACTH will be recognized and responded to, by the inner layer adrenal cortex.

When this occurs, the inner layer adrenal cortex will respond as a direct feedback to the pituitary gland, and will produce elevated amounts of estrogen and androgen.

In providing IBS information in this article, only estrogen will discussed.

As the cortisol production, imbalance continues, as does the excess ACTH production, so does the excess production of adrenal estrogen continue.

The excess adrenal estrogen does the following;

  1. It deregulates the immune system, so there is no natural protection.
  2. With this deregulation of the immune system, the immune cells lose recognition of self-tissue and can cause autoimmunity besides just IBS.
  3. The elevated adrenal estrogen can bind the receptor sites for thyroid hormone even though the thyroid production is normal. (Paula, possibly reference and Metabolic Hypothyroidism. NOTE: The fact that are hormone measurement in the body may be normal, does not indicate the body can use that hormone unless compared to its regulation of the immune system. There needs to be recognition, that the endocrine system, regulates the immune system, and rarely does the immune system operate on its own.
  4. The elevated adrenal estrogen deregulates the B-lymphocyte and its production of immunoglobulins (antibodies). When the production of the mucous membrane antibody referred to as IgA is deficient in the intestinal tract, this is when IBS occurs.
  5. Measuring total estrogen in any patient which must include adrenal estrogen also. Unfortunately in veterinary practice, only estradiol is measured in males and female animals and in people only the three ovarian estrogen are measured in woman and only estradiol is measured in men.

The medical profession knows how damaging elevated estrogen can be, but rarely is total estrogen measured.


  1. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  2. Food sensitivities and food allergies
  3. Insect sensitivity
  4. Vaccine reactions
  5. Malabsorption
  6. Urinary tract infections
  7. Diarrhea
  8. Constipation
  9. Excess gas production and bloating
  10. Weight loss
  11. Bacterial overgrowth
  12. Chronic parasitism
  13. Tumors
  14. Other multiple effects in different organ systems, where the deficient IgA production will no longer protect those systems.


(Paula, I wonder if what I have written for the other diseases might be used standardly here and with other diseases I report on. I also think it might be a good idea to keep referring to Wikipedia and what they have already posted because in doing so, their editors might want to take me on too much!)

There is a very simple test that can be done to identify the cause of IBS and help determine its successful treatment.

Identifying and providing proper foods to avoid l food sensitivities and food allergies is essential.

Once this imbalance is in place, all food s are guilty until proved innocent and please remember once a patient becomes reactant to a diet, that patient may always be reactant to that food even if the system is purged from that system for a month or more.

Even when the immune system is properly reregulated, the immune cells will still retain their ability to react to that food.

Blood tests for food sensitivities and food allergies are still highly questionable.

It might be best to do a Food Elimination Test. and under Foods and Supplements, the Food Elimination Diet will be discussed.

Hopefully, this article will provide you with the information you need to identify, and successfully treat IBS.


Dr. AL Plechner