How to Prevent Allergies, Autoimmunity and Cancer in Pets and People

Posted on October 30th, 2015

The world of medicine is changing for both people and for animals. Merely trying to treat the effects of multiple diseases in medicine is not working. The time has come to begin to test and treat for the cause of disease and not merely treat the effects of disease.

It seems apparent why many animals are developing allergies, autoimmunity and cancer, because man has decided what animals should look like and how they can be used to benefit man.

This has happened with inbreeding that has occurred when the animals are bred for structure and for the use for man, and not for the function they no longer possess.

Combining all of these human practices with the environmental changes that are occurring to our earth, our animals may not be able to survive.

What about humans?

We are just now seeing damaging reports about simple household products that may have been causing disease in people for many years.

These toxins are now just coming to the forefront and their damaging effects presented to the public, but these toxins have been adversely causing problems for many years in animals and humans and now are only being recognized for the harm they will cause.

Many of these toxins have now been identified, as well as exposure to pesticides, radiation, stress, pharmaceutical products, improper nutrition and exercise, vaccines, preservatives, etc.

The world of medicine has identified many of the diseases the environmental toxins and exposure cause.

But I think the real question is, how do these environmental toxins and exposure really effect the regulatory health mechanism for animals and for people?

It is important to realize that the endocrine system regulates the immune system. When exposure occurs from an environmental toxin or adverse environmental exposure, what really happens?

My clinical studies involving over 85,000 endocrine immune blood studies indicate that the Achilles tendon of the endocrine system is the middle layer adrenal cortex.

Environmental toxins and adverse exposure cause a reduction or defect in the adrenal glands ability to produce active cortisol that can be recognized by the body.

When this happens, the feedback mechanism to the hypothalamic pituitary axis is no longer funded correctly, which allows for the continued production of ACTH.

This continued production of ACTH stimulates the inner layer adrenal cortex to produce excessive amounts of adrenal estrogen, which is not recognized by the medical profession at this time.

These excessive amounts of adrenal estrogen not only bind the receptor sites of thyroid hormone, but also deregulate the immune system.

The deregulated immune system will not only reduce its protective functions, but will also lose recognition of self-tissue, which can lead to allergies, autoimmunity and cancer.

It is quite apparent that the inbreeding of animals merely for their structure and color, and not for their function, has led to this endocrine immune imbalance, which is causing the development of rampant, catastrophic diseases.

But why is this also happening in humans?

Unfortunately the exposure from all kinds of chemicals including household products that contain estrogen mimickers, referred to as xenoestrogens, seem to be one of the major reasons why this is occurring.

The world of medicine is concerned about elevated amounts of estrogen causing allergies, autoimmunity and cancer, yet they are not measuring adrenal estrogen.

What can be done to identify this exposure in the early stages and help avoid the development of allergies, autoimmunity and cancer for you, your family members and your family pet?

A simple blood test will indicate if any of these toxins or environmental exposures have altered the endocrine regulation of the immune system which will allow for diseases to occur, unless corrected.

The necessary blood tests are listed for your convenience:

The Animal Protocol: 

  • Total estrogen
  • Cortisol
  • Total T3
  • Total T4
  • IgA
  • IgM
  • IgG

NOTE: At this time there is only one veterinary laboratory that can do the total estrogen. To contact this laboratory, please go to the internet and look for National Veterinary Diagnostic Services in Texas.

The Human Protocol:

  • Total estrogen
  • Cortisol
  • TSH
  • Total T3
  • Total T4
  • Iodine
  • IgA
  • IgM
  • IgG

Note: Please realize adrenal estrogen is not being measured in people or in animals, just yet.

When a cortisol imbalance occurs, the amount of adrenal estrogen produced can be huge, and with the medical profession being concerned about the effects that elevated amounts of estrogen may cause, why is ovarian and other tissue estrogen only being measured?

For further information on this subject, please go to Dr. Plechner’s Corner to read about the cause of allergies, autoimmunity and cancer.