Large numbers of pets die or become sick before their time despite the best efforts of veterinarians. I believe much of this has to do with hormonal imbalances that destabilize and weaken animals' immune systems, undermine their natural protection against illness, and rob them of health and longevity.

Many "end-of-the-line animals" are referred to me in my clinical practice. Their owners have been told that euthanasia is the only option left. In some very advanced cases this may be true, but in a vast majority of situations there is hope because there is a solution.

Many years ago as a young practitioner I tried to figure out why so many of my patients were getting sick and not responding to standard treatments. My clinical work led me to a major hormonal-immune system disturbance that begins in the adrenal glands and goes on to create a ripple effect throughout the body's physiology, opening the door to conditions ranging from common skin allergies to reproductive failure to catastrophic autoimmune disease to cancer. By identifying and correcting this problem I created a successful program that has helped thousands of my own patients as well as many animals treated at other veterinary clinics.

The endocrine-immune imbalances I see result from an unsuspected deficiency, defect, or binding of cortisol. Whether from genetics, toxicity, stress, or combinations thereof, many animals lack active cortisol. I correct this deficiency by using very low dosages of cortisone, the pharmaceutical equivalent of the body's naturally occurring cortisol, on a long-term basis. In my practice I use both synthetic cortisone medications and a natural cortisol preparation derived from an ultra extract of soy. When used at very low dosages (often in conjunction with thyroid supplementation) they represent safe and significant healing agents for many seemingly unrelated diseases.

The protocol has been extremely effective when followed as directed on a long-term basis by pet owners. As a clinician, my patients are my primary concern. For that reason I have not conducted controlled studies where one group of patients receives treatment and another group, for comparison, receives a placebo. I cannot in good conscience deny treatment to suffering animals who I know will benefit from that treatment. Perhaps such an experiment can be done by researchers who have the means and interest.


Total Estrogen
IgA, IgM, IgG

FEMALES: Intact females should not have the test done during their heat cycle.

NOTE: Iodine deficiencies are a common  cause of hypothyroidism in humans and possibly in their pets, but so far, there are no veterinary laboratories that routinely check iodine  levels in pets. As soon as a veterinary laboratory makes this test available, I will  include an iodine test in my Animal Protocol.

For more information, please see the Published Works page and Lab Info page to determine where the blood tests need to be sent.

Copyright ©2009
