Why Did My Dog Die from SARDS?
Posted on June 2nd, 2016Often, as a SARDS owner, you are told, that there is no treatment for SARDS, please go home and learn how to live with your blind dog.
You may have also been told, that SARDS only causes blindness, and your pet can survive nicely, because of all their other, natural senses.
This is definitely not true.
SARDS is an autoimmune disease that if left untreated, can turn into many other autoimmune diseases, including cancer.
All SARDS patient’s produce a deficient or non-functional cortisol, from their middle layer adrenal cortex.
This causes, by way of the hypothalamic- pituitary axis, the production of large amounts of adrenal estrogen, originating from the inner layer adrenal cortex.
This excessive amount of adrenal estrogen will cause a number of problems, and for the sack of simplicity, we will consider only two problems that they will cause.
The elevated adrenal estrogen will deregulate both the B and T Lymphocytes, so that these immune cells, lose recognition of self-tissue
The T-Lymphocyte will lose recognition of retinal issue, and will cause cytotoxic damage to the retinal tissue, which causes the actual SARDS blindness.
This is why it is so very important to have your SARDS pet diagnosed and treated correctly, as soon as possible, to avoid permanent, retinal damage.
What about the B-Lymphocyte?
When the B-Lymphocyte becomes deregulated, its reduced function often goes, unrecognized.
The B-lymphocyte can be the cause of many other different, catastrophic diseases that can be fatal for the SARDS pet.
The deregulated B-Lymphocyte will reduce its production of protective antibodies, referred to as immunoglobulins.
When this happens, the deficiency in the mucous membrane antibody, referred to as immunoglobulin A (IgA) will NOT protect the SARDS patient, wherever the deficient IgA, is present.
This means that the following tissue, in the SARDS patient’s body, can be adversely effected and can be the cause of many, different catastrophic diseases.
Some of these diseases may be familiar to you.
. Food allergies,
. Irritable bowel syndrome
. Acid reflex
. Stomach and intestinal ulcers.
. Chronic vomiting.
. Chronic diarrhea
. Stomatitis
. Glossitis
. Malabsorption
. Digestive tract tumors
. Chronic kidney disease.
. Kidney stones
. Chronic bladder infections and inflammations.
. Bladder stones
. Prostatitis.
. Orchitis
. Chronic urethritis.
. Urinary tract tumors
. Chronic sneezing
. Runny nose
. Asthma
. Chronic conjunctivitis
, Chronic post nasal drip.
. Trachealis
. Bronchitis
. Chronic bacterial pneumonia
. Emphysema
. Pulmonary tumors
. Chronic joint pain.
. Arthritis
. Joint swelling
. Immune mediated arthritis.
. Weakened ligaments due to malabsorption of calcium.
. Intervertebral disc disease.
. Unexpected fractures
. Skeletal system tumors.
If uncorrected, these are just a few of the disease conditions that may accompany a SARDS patient, with an endocrine immune imbalance and a low IgA.
Also many of these catastrophic diseases, including cancer can develop, due to this endocrine immune, imbalance, before the patient actually develops the SARDS, and the loss of vision.
At the time the SARDS diagnosis is made, please make sure there are no other accompanying diseases that might precede the SARDS diagnosis.
Hopefully this article will point out to you that if you’re pet unfortunately perished, it was not because of the SARDS, but rather from one or more of the other catastrophic diseases that will accompany an endocrine immune imbalance, which include. an IgA deficiency.
These are only my thoughts and opinions
If you follow the advice of your veterinary professional that tells you, there is no treatment for SARDS, please take your dog home and learn how to live with your blind dog and if you do so this, you may be signing a death sentence, for your best friend.
Dr. AL Plechner