"Dr. Plechner's Corner" is a compilation of veterinary and animal research articles by
Al Plechner, DVM.  Some of the articles found in this section are also co-authored with other colleagues as well.


The Facts About Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome (SARDS) in Canines

Unfortunately the veterinary profession is just now identifying this autoimmune, ocular disease within the past 2 to 3 years and they still seem to believe that there is no treatment for SARDS. However, SARDS is an autoimmune disease that occurs due to the development of an endocrine imbalance, causing the immune system to lose control. […]

What is the Importance of Silica?

For many years it has been realized that you and your pet absorb not only the silica from calcium bentonite but also the silica from organic micronutrients that are contained in plants and certain specific micro organisms. Silica happens to be the second most available element on our planet earth. It is believed that people […]

What is the Cause of Autoimmunity and Cancer in Animals and Humans?

There is so much information known about treating the effects of autoimmunity and cancer in animals and in humans, and definite thoughts about why these diseases occur, but no real measurable cause. Over the past 50 years of practice, I have discovered an endocrine immune imbalance that seems to be the cause of autoimmunity and […]

Did You Realize There is a Measurable Endocrine Immune Blood Test that Identifies the Cause of Allergies, AutoImmunity and Cancer in Humans and Animals?

During my past 50 years of dealing with allergies, autoimmunity and cancer, I have been able to identify the fact that they all seem to occur mainly due to the development of an endocrine immune imbalance. Doing complete blood counts (CBC) and Blood Chemistries may help identify important changes that have occurred in the bodies […]

Autoimmunity: Why do Humans and Canines develop Autoimmune Diseases?

An autoimmune disease is caused by a self-response reaction that is made against their own healthy tissue. Any diseases that result from this abnormal response by the body have the ability to cause an autoimmune response. The abnormal response deals with the production of an immune response occurring against self tissue. Currently an autoimmune disease […]

Cancer: What is the Cause of Cancer?

Cancer = the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Old cancer cells do not die, and instead grow out of control and form abnormal cells. These enlarging cells cause a tissue trend, called a mass or tumor and with the potential of invading other parts of the body. The following is a listed […]

How Can Stress Create Different Diseases?

What is stress? The internet describes stress as the following. Stress occurs when there is a state of mental or emotional stress, or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. When the body goes into a state of stress, the body can become agitated and aggressive and cause the body’s main response to be […]

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