An email from Michael Goldman

Posted on November 9th, 2012

SARDS—Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome. What is this Catastrophic Disease and why is it critical we know about it before it happens!!! I was just speaking with Dr Alfred Plechner DVM and he insisted we revisit this horrific disease and make sure everyone knows about it.

WHY? First, he is dealing with numerous cases at this time and second, it is a time sensitive disease that once it hits full force, it is generally too late to do anything about it SO the time is now to make sure that people are aware of what it is, what to look for and why it is imperative action be taken immediately.

Vets are just now realizing the effects of this disease. They know very little about it (it is an auto immune disease) as in my case with my beloved dog Rex, our vet (considered the best in town) not knowing, bumbled his way through it causing more problems while my Rex went blind.

Dr Plechner knows what it is, its causes and what needs to be done. I on the other hand have been thru this nightmare, have a good understanding and am happy to help pet owners in any way I can.

My next few blog posts revisit this disease and will shed much light on the problem and outline a course of action. The key is to act quickly as time is of the essence.

Whether you have experienced SARDS or not, the time is now to understand it. I hope this helps.

First Blog Post go here.

Michael Goldman

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Michael Goldman also features articles from Dr. Plechner on his site, which you can read by clicking here.