By Alfred J. Plechner, D.V.M.
For many years, the literature has related to the protective qualities of many types of clays, referred to as "living clays" that can neutralize and detoxify exposure to radiation. It has also been recognized that these forms of "living clays" can be taken internally and applied externally through baths etc, which is the fastest and most efficient way to remove radiation from the body quickly. The application of the "living clays" is recommended most frequently during times of extreme radiation exposure, like now with the melt downs in Japan.
Giving out iodine tablets to those Japanese that have undergone or will be undergoing extreme radiation exposure, will not save their lives unless the "living clay" can be given to help them detoxify and shed the radiation from their body and the body of their pets before permanent radiation damage occurs.
It is recognized that iodine does not protect or help detoxify radiation exposure from uranium, cesium or plutonium! The "living clay" not only detoxifies the radiation but also detoxifies most heavy metals and toxins that we are all exposed to daily.
Have we learned much since the Chernobyl meltdown? I really do not think so. We have accepted the fact that melt downs occur, so we need to build safer structures to avoid a manmade radiation meltdown, but what about a natural disaster meltdown that occurred in Japan? That which we cannot stop but we only hope it never happens to us.
What should we have learned from the Russians and the Chernobyl meltdown?
1. When the first responders go into this lethal radiation, they first rub "living clay" all over their bodies even before they put on their radiation armament.
2. The next step was to quickly bury the damaged nuclear reactor with "living clay" cement to reduce the amount of uncontrolled radiation seeping out of the damaged nuclear reactor.
3. All the exposed people to this radiation were asked to include the "living clay" when they showered or bathed.
4. The "living clay" was included as an ingredient in the commercial chocolate bars and also added to all the animal feeds for the animals that were raised for human consumption.
In general, the end products of radiation contamination can hopefully be mixed with "living clay" to reduce the radiation exposure to all living plants and animals once accumulated in dump sites in most countries including our own. I personally believe that radioactive materials would be more receptive to the negative ions found in a special calcium montmorillinite that seems to be the best of the "living clay". This however is only my opinion.
This and other clays set up an electromagnetic polarity in the body that causes those radiation, heavy metal and toxic molecules to bind to the negative ions and are neutralized, which I would think would be more effective using this special calcium montmorillinite with its negative ion, and once neutralized and denatured, the molecules are excreted from the body through the urine and feces. It has well been documented that radiation and electromagnetic fields definitely change the hormone and immune modulation through the pineal body, which is the computer chip of the body causing major disruptive changes in the body.
Hopefully this article will help you realize what the world is facing now and will be facing in the future. Now is the time, while this is happening, for you, your family and your pets to take this special calcium montmorillinite ("living clay") to help insure your future as I do for myself, my family and my pets, because I do worry about the environment we all live in.
I did research other forms of this special calcium montmorillinite for my family and for myself, based upon what the Russians are doing to continue the cleansing of all their people that have been and are still being exposed to daily radioactive leakage from the Chernobyl meltdown. One scientist reports that certain types of radioactive compounds that are still being released from the Chernobyl meltdown may have a half-life of 2500 years! This is very, very, scary!
In looking at man and what man has created for energy, using radiation as a resource, it has all of the living inhabitants of the world whether animals or plants, very endangered, and we need to worry about what will happen to our families with future exposure from radiation meltdowns that will occur. If we return to the lessons learned from Chernobyl and what the Russians have learned to do for their people with their continued exposure to radiation, this will definitely help us with our future when dealing with radiation exposure.
We must listen and learn, "because before us, go they". Hopefully all the Japanese people that have been exposed to radiation can also learn from the Russians, because the radiation exposure from the meltdown in Japan may go on for centuries, but I certainly hope not.
I have found that this special calcium montmorillinite comes in many different forms and uses, especially for detoxification of radiation but also for heavy metal and environmental toxin detoxification that we are exposed to daily from our foods and from our environment. I have looked at this web site, and have found all the products I need for my family, containing this special calcium montmorillinite necessary to neutralize any future exposure to radiation like the Russians have found with their meltdown in Chernobyl.
I personally have all my family using a facial pack twice weekly while also taking a special calcium montmorillinite bath once or twice weekly, because like you I am also worried. At the same time, we all take this special calcium montmorillinite orally, twice daily not only for ourselves but also for our many pets that range from dogs, cats, birds, fish and our wildlife, which is so outstanding where we live in North Idaho.
I certainly hope my thoughts on radiation exposure will help you, your family and your family pets, because remember, we are living in an altered environment, which we and our families need to exist in, but at the same time also leave a better world for our grandchildren.
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