A Thought About Cataracts

Posted on July 29th, 2016

Today’s pets, are plagued with the development of lens opacities referred to as a cataract.

Wikipedia says a cataract is a cloudy lens that leads to a loss of vision.

The following are thought to be the main causes, for cataracts;

. Aging

. Trauma

. Radiation exposure

. Postsurgical

. Genetics

. Present at birth

. Diabetes

, Over exposure to tobacco smoke

. Over exposure to sunlight

It is thought that either clumps of protein or yellow brown pigment may be deposited in the lens, reducing the amount of light perceived by the retinal tissue.

More than 30 years ago, I was asked to clinically study a Zinc Vitamin C eye drop, created by a Sicilian chemist, by the name of Dr. Pechetti.

My clinical studies revealed the fact that 70 % of my cataract patients, had their lens opacity rolled back by one phase, if phase four was the most mature lens.

My studies also revealed the fact with my cataract patients, that 90 % of them stopped producing more lens opacities.

Even many of the patients that had mature cataracts, began to get peripheral clearing of the lens and they began to see around their lens opacity.

I saw no side effects from using this solution in my patients, but I did note, that if you and your veterinary ophthalmologist have decided that a lens removal is indicated, it is important to stop using the solution and allow the cataract to mature, in order for the surgery to be easier on the patient, with a greater rate of success.

Many years ago, I wrote an article for Board and Groom Magazine, suggesting the use of Zinc Vitamin C eye drops for those who might not have the finances, in order to have a lens removal performed.

I was contacted, by an elderly woman, that shared her dog with everyone in their rest home. He was their happy mascot, but developed cataracts, and the residents rest home, did not have the finances to have the cataract surgery performed.

I happily sent her a gratis bottle of the solution and after one month, the lens opacities began to disappear.

Over the years the Zinc Vitamin C eye drops have helped hundreds of dogs with cataracts, but like my SARDS protocol, it really has not been accepted by many, even though it does work for most.

Of interest, it is now being produced for human use.

You can certainly go on the internet and find Zinc eye drops for canines and for humans.

The original company I did the clinical studies for, I believe is still producing the product and you can check with them, at www.drgoodpet.com.

NOTE: Please know, I am in in no way affiliated with this company.

I understand www.vitacost .com and Amazon carry these products for humans.

Hopefully this article might be of value for those pet’s that have cataracts and their owners may be looking for an alternative, to cataract surgery.


Dr. A. J. Plechner